-Day 35 of the #TrumpShutdown
-Re-Opens Gov't Without Wall Money
-Called 'Cave Man' by NY Daily News
-Stone Indicted & Arrested by FBI
-Manafort Facing More Time
-Ross Sz 3k Coal Jobs are Essential
-Abrams Named Envoy 2 Venezuela
-Disapproval Polling Climbs to 58%

Day 691 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 479 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 53 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

One day after Sebring FL, two more mass shootings:
-Rockmart GA - 4 killed, 1 injured.
-State College PA - 2 killed, 2 injured + shooter suicide.
There have been 21 mass shootings in 12 different U.S. states in the first 25 days of 2019.
There have been 3,450+ incidents of gun violence/gun crime, 950+ gun deaths, and 1,650+ gun injuries in the first 25 days of 2019.
Washington (CNN) - The first two military families who will not receive death benefits because of the government shutdown have been named. cnn.com/2018/01/22/pol…
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents: propub.li/2QcsPvY
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Thousands more kids may have been separated from their parents at the border under the Trump administration than was previously thought, according to an internal government report.
UN to launch investigation into Jamal Khashoggi murder independent.co.uk/news/world/mid…
Citing @Oregonian investigation, U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden introduced two bills today aimed at punishing Saudi Arabia over its suspected role in the escape of Saudi students who vanished before trial in Oregon.
Day 35 since Congress & Trump have not agreed on a spending bill.
Government agencies are now shut down.
More than 800,000 government workers to work without pay because of the #TrumpShutdown

As we wind down day 35 of the #TrumpShutdown, let's not forget:
"I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not going to blame you for it."
#TrumpShutdown Problems Snowballing : At least 14,000 unpaid IRS workers did not show up for work as broad disruption hits tax agency, according to House aides
FAA says air travel delays Friday morning being caused by staffing issues at two air traffic control facilities affecting New York and Florida; says it is "augmenting staffing, rerouting traffic, and increasing spacing between aircraft as needed."
Faye Smith, a furloughed Smithsonian security guard, had a message for Trump: "Miss Nancy is not going to give you that wall. Mr Trump, you need to stop holding us hostage."
To Wilbur Ross, saving 3,000 coal jobs is essential — but 800,000 government workers are a blip. wapo.st/2Dw8jP0
Disapproval of Trump has swelled to 58% as a majority of Americans hold him and congressional Republicans most responsible for the #TrumpShutdown.
Trump: "We have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government."
A "deal"?
More like agreeing to the temporary funding that was approved 100-0 before the #TrumpShutdown
Trump asserts that "if we don't get a fair deal" by the end of the 3-week funding bill, the government could shut down again, or he could proceed to use his national emergency option.
Time to start the countdown clock.
Remember as Trump goes on another riff: Trump keeps mentioning taped-up women at the border.
Experts have no idea what he's talking about.
To build a wall Trump has:
-Delivered primetime Oval Office address
-Toured the border
-Shut the government down for 35 days
-Warned of rapists, murderers, drugs, terrorists coming from Mexico
Result: Trump folds having secured $0 for the wall
"He’s not going to sign a bill that doesn’t have money for the wall... if he gives in now, that’s the end of 2019 in terms of him being an effective president. That’s probably the end of his presidency."
- Lindsey Graham, January 2
This is such a humiliating end for Trump's gambit. There's nothing here that was not on the table 35 days ago. Huge defeat. And once the government reopens, he has literally no leverage to try this again.
But, he'll try.
Chuck Schumer: "As Democrats have said all along, the solution to this impasse was to separate funding the government from our disagreements over border security. This agreement endorses that position." Via ABC
Via @NBCNews: Ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone arrested in Mueller probe.
Flashback: On February 5, 2018 Roger Stone posted this video on his instagram saying: "Mueller, arrest me, libtards"
Narrator: He did.
Special Counsel: Roger Stone was arrested following an indictment by a fed grand jury in DC.
The indictment, unsealed upon arrest, contains seven counts: one count of obstruction of an official proceeding, five counts of false statements, & one count of witness tampering.
Indictment: "During the summer of 2016, STONE spoke to senior Trump Campaign officials about Org. 1 & info it might have had that would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign. STONE was contacted by senior Trump Campaign officials to inquire about future releases by Org."
Indictment: Roger Stone: "a. Made multiple false statements to HPSCI about his interactions regarding Organization 1, and falsely denied possessing records that contained evidence of these interactions; and b. Attempted to persuade a witness to provide false testimony..."
Indictment: "By in or around June and July 2016, STONE informed senior Trump Campaign officials that he had info indicating Org. 1 had docs whose release would be damaging to the Clinton Campaign. The head of Org. 1 was located ... at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London."
Indictment: After the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails...a Sr. Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about...what other damaging info Org 1 had regarding the Clinton Campaign. STONE thereafter told Trump Campaign about potential future releases.
Indictment: On or about October 4, 2016 ... STONE received an email from the high-ranking Trump Campaign official asking about the status of future releases by Organization 1. STONE answered that the head of Organization ... would release "a load every week going forward."
Indictment: On or about October 7, 2016, Organization 1 released the first set of emails stolen from the Clinton Campaign chairman. Shortly after Org. 1's release, an associate of the high- ranking Trump Campaign official sent a text message to STONE that read "well done."
Indictment: In the course of his HPSCI testimony, STONE made deliberately false and misleading statements ... concerning ... requests he made for info from the head of Org 1; his comms with his identified intermediary; and his comms with the Trump Campaign about Org. 1.
Indictment: STONE spoke to multiple individuals involved in the Trump Campaign about what he claimed to have learned from his intermediary to Organization 1 ... STONE told senior Trump Campaign officials about materials possessed by Org 1 and the timing of future releases.
Flashback to the campaign.
Trump: "WikiLeaks. I love WikiLeaks."
John Brennan: "A 7-count indictment is a very serious one ... the special counsel's office is uncovering the evidence it needs ... I'm not going to be surprised by the other indictments that are going to be coming down the pike very soon." @MSNBC
CNBC is reporting that, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter, one of the senior Trump campaign officials who reached out to Roger Stone was Steve Bannon. cnbc.com/2019/01/25/us-…
Per indictment, after the July 22, 2016 release of stolen DNC emails ... a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE about ... damaging info on the Clinton Campaign.
Trump on July 27, 2016: "Russia, if you're listening..."
Sarah Sanders is asked at least twice about whether Trump directed "a senior Trump Campaign official" to contact Roger Stone about Wikileaks. She does not directly answer. Via CNN
-Trump’s lawyer/fixer
-Trump’s campaign chair
-Trump’s NatSec adviser
-Trump’s deputy campaign mgr
-Trump’s foreign policy adviser
-Trump's longest-serving political adviser
-Trump transition Congress liaison
NBC News confirms: The indictment says Stone received an email in Oct from "high-ranking Trump Campaign official asking about the status of future releases by" WikiLeaks.
That official is Steve Bannon. Bannon is referenced at least one other time. nbcnews.com/politics/donal…
Kristin Davis, the "Manhattan Madam," says that authorities have searched a New York duplex that she shares with Roger Stone this morning.
Nancy Pelosi on the Roger Stone indictment:
"It is very interesting to see the kinds of people that the president of the United States has surrounded himself with." Via AP
Roger Stone, shackled around his waste and ankles, was by U.S. marshals on $250,000 signature bond.
When asked by the judge to turn in his passport, Stone said “I do not have a valid passport, it is expired.”
Roger Stone gets the "coffee boy" treatment from a long dead disgraced President.
Trump has a full on meltdown
CNN fires back after Trump dig about being at Stone arrest: "That’s called journalism" hill.cm/EsGrXVg
Mark Warner: "Roger Stone has been indicted for covering up his engagements with Wikileaks...It is clear from this indictment that those contacts happened at least with the full knowledge of, and appear to have been encouraged by, the highest levels of the Trump campaign."
Ann Coulter calls Trump the "biggest wimp"
By the way, GHW Bush flew 58 combat missions in World War II and was shot down by the Japanese. His squadron had a 300% casualty rate.....
Prosecutor Andrew Weissman said in court today that Mueller's office no longer believes Paul Manafort should get any credit for his cooperation when he's sentenced next month. cnbc.com/2019/01/25/tru…
Wow. Pelosi said this out loud. Big step for her. “In the face of 37 indictments, [Trump's] continued actions to undermine the Special Counsel investigation raise the questions: what does Putin have on [Trump], politically, personally or financially?”
Reuters reports Russia has sent as many as 400 mercenaries from Wagner to Venezuela to defend Maduro.
This is known as doubling down on your investment reuters.com/article/us-ven…
Mike Pompeo appoints Elliott Abrams as special envoy on Venezuela. Abrams is known for his central role in Reagan era policy in Nicaragua and El Salvador.
Via @stephenkinzer's book Overthrow, here's what Manuel Noriega did to Hugo Spadafora in 1985. This is what Elliott Abrams, now leading America's fight for human rights and democracy in Venezuela, defended and covered up.

Reminder: Elliott Abrams was convicted for withholding information to Congress during the Iran-Contra affair.
So, this makes some Trumpian sense.
Local Afghan officials are blaming the American military for 2 airstrikes that killed 29 people this week, most of them women and children, even as American diplomats negotiated possible peace terms with the Taliban nyti.ms/2G14tPN
BREAKING: Trump signs bill ending longest government shutdown in U.S. history.
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Rather surprising to see threats being made even before the ink is dry on the bill reopening the government
Not to throw Jared or Eric under the bus, but...
Wait. What?
Roger Stone appears to have read Donald Trump’s written answers provided to the Mueller investigators.