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Feb 12th 2023
#RBI policy on Recovery of Penal Charges on Loans…. #SBICards #ManappuramGold #MuthootGold #BajajFinance #NBFCs etc

Could be Negative for Credit card Cos, gold loan companies & Likes kd BajajFinance which charge high penal interest….
#Muthoot charges penal interest of upto 2% on schemes. Recall that their ROA is 6-7% so this Penal Interest is meaningful
#manappuramGold penal Interest Rates
Read 8 tweets
Mar 8th 2021
One of the RICHEST man in #India died in #DELHI 3 days ago bt the news didn't get any attention.
It ws not called a SUICIDE or MURDER.
Infact it ws not even called an ACCIDENT.

#Muthoot's son ws brutally K!lled 11yrs ago.

A short video👇

Why is it that every1 hs merely posted CONDOLENCES for his family?
NO ONE, hs raised an eyebrow on how he died.

This is my 2nd video on the BIGGEST MAFIA that exists there. It lets no one mess with 'em.
I hv posted links to the other in this video.
I hv only spoken abt things that can be backed up with PROOF.
If I wr to go by speculations, then there's a lot more to add.

I am sure, TRUTH can never be hidden, it shines bright like the sun--- when the time is right.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 17th 2020
#EXCLUSIVE: Muthoot Finance says this year's growth is likely to exceed guidance - by @pabsgill

@TheMuthootGroup #muthootfinance… Image
Muthoot Finance Managing Director #GeorgeAlexanderMuthoot told Business Insider that the company is likely to exceed its annual guidance of 15% growth.

@TheMuthootGroup #muthootfinance
With more people reluctant to leave the house, #Muthoot’s new 'Loan@Home' service has seen the average ticket sizes surge to around ₹3.5 lakh — six times the size of gold loans given out in branches.

@TheMuthootGroup #muthootfinance
Read 10 tweets

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