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Attention #NAFO It is with great pleasure that I announce our counter offensive against Russian propagandists.

𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙴𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚙𝚜𝚎

Thread 👇 Please like & RT so others know.

@exileoftza @Chairman_Meowed @1JessicaEliza @MindyNL79 @Central1Snipe @mexic0la_ Image
In this thread I will reveal some methods russian propagandists use against us and how to counter them effectively.
So if you read my previous thread you'd know that russian propagandists are reporting NAFO accounts and trying to silence Ukranian voices by reporting these accounts for TOS violations.

While they themselves have pretty much blocked all of NAFO to prevent us from doing the same
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Why I Joined #NAFO and became a #Fella


Thread: 1/8 Image
So, first, what is #NAFOfellas? The Fellas are an online army of brain damaged cartoon dogs (sic). Their mission? Fighting russian disinformation. It's a grass roots movement founded by @Kama_Kamilia during the early months of the war. NAFO has been growing eversince. 2/8 Image
So why did I join #NAFO?

I'm a disabled person confined to my bedroom so, in real life, there's no much I can do. As you can imagine, this is quite depressing. Joining @Official_NAFO has changed that profoundly. 3/8 Image
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Il sondaggio è finito.

Più del 60% degli utenti che hanno risposto non sa cos'è un #NAFOfella o non sa come diventare un #fella.

Se sei dalla parte dell'#Ucraina e non sopporti la violenza russa, allora, in realtà, sei già un fella! 👀

Non ti resta che farlo sapere >> Image
al mondo ottenendo un avatar simile al mio (Shiba Inu) o a tanti altri che hai già sicuramente visto su Twitter in questo periodo.

Preferisci i gatti? Non c'è problema... esiste anche la #NAFO Cat Division 🤣

Come ottenere un fella personalizzato?

È molto semplice. >>
Tutte le informazioni sono riportate al seguente link ufficiale:

Cliccando su "How to become a fella" puoi leggere le istruzioni su come diventare, appunto, un fella.

In breve è sufficiente fare un acquisto o una donazione di qualsiasi importo >>
Read 7 tweets
An meine #Berliner Follower,
wer Zeit hat, helft bitte Enno, soweit Euch das irgendwie möglich ist. Wie heute Morgen schon mitgeteilt, bin ich leider nicht da. Das Panzer Projekt vor der 🇷🇺 Botschaft ist ein großartiger Erfolg. Das lassen wir uns von Vatniks nicht kaputt machen.
Wer auch immer es schafft da hin zu gehen, macht bitte Fotos & Videos. Wir können gemeinsam einen thread 🧵 machen. Ich werde gerne beim verbreiten helfen. Las uns als Community zeigen, wer hier der stärkere ist, und wo wir stehen. Unterstützt bitte @ennolenze #SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦❤️
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1/ Disinformation Alert 🚨: #Russia is pushing out to Videos to discredit the armed forces of #Ukraine, connecting to the published „forced mobilization videos, to decrease the moral of citizens and UAF. The videos are easy to debunk. The text says that UAF … #NAFO #NAFOfella
2/ soldiers executing 🇺🇦 soldiers and bury them because they don’t want to fight. In both Videos you don’t see faces. For sure, Clearview AI would confirm their #Russia identity.In the first video you hear only a shot. No blood. Nothing.
3/ The 2nd video shows a soldier which gets buried, but not full. It’s clearly visible that he moves in a comfort position. The grave is not dogged deep like they normally dig it. That’s clearly a staged video.

Left: Full video
Right: movement of the alleged executed soldier…
Read 4 tweets
I don't know a ton about CQB, or room clearing; for me, it's basically skills in armed home invasion, which is singularly un-useful to a civilian.


My best friend, an 11B during the surge (one of Hertling's folks actually) said something to me once relevant to NAFO:

It was back in '13 or '14, when I ran a startup and my first investors were my veteran friend who served in Iraq, and my other veteran friend who served in Afghanistan (an 86W medic with the 173rd, coincidentally, also Mark Hertling's folks).

They're talking about stack order and who goes where in a center-fed room or something, which just means a room where the door is in the middle of a wall.

Infantrymen are (for good reason) like macho, overly-fit nerds about kinds of rooms they clear, I've noticed.

Read 11 tweets
This is going to use politicized terms - especially with antisemitism lately - so, again, you've got to exercise a basic, basic skill of disinformation: holding an idea in your head without believing it

What you're seeing here is a sus #nafofella profile tying us to al-Qassam🧵
Again, this is heavily politicized, so let's go with what the U.S. government says.

The Director of Nat'l Intelligence website says al-Qassam is the militant wing of HAMAS.…

Per State, they're still a terrorist org (since '97)…
This is also timely given Israeli elections.

This is not the time nor place (and I'm not the author) for primer to Israeli politics, so:

Congressional Research Service says, it's chaotic, there's a LOT of different parties and it's very fractious.…
Read 9 tweets
A Guide: #NAFO Fellaship 101
How to a Become an Official #NAFOFella and What to do Once You are One.
(by @bonfireburning & @IrcoboMartial)
If you read this, you’re probably interested in becoming a part of #NAFO or have recently been forged. Congrats !!! As our non-negotiable expansion is on its way, I suggested we do an to an #NAFO101Guide Here it is:
First: How to join #NAFO ?
Since #NAFO lives in your head, rent-free, if you think you are a member, you already are one. Second: if you want to be an #OfficialFella, you can donate here:
Read 19 tweets
Thread, #NAFO101 1/ approx.12:
If you read this, you're part or will soon be part of #NAFO. Congrats !!! As our non-negotiable expansion is on its way, it has been suggested to do a" #NAFO101 guide", and here it is.

First: How to join #NAFO ?
Well, since #NAFO lives in your head, rent-free, if you think you are a member, you are one. Second: if you want to be a Fella, an official one, you can donate here:

or buy something here:
When done, tweet the instructions about your Fella design and add the #FellaRequest, then wait. If you want, you can use this pic as a temporary Fella.
Read 13 tweets
I should probably explain this just for awareness' sake.

I think a lot of folks don't know what's up with BJP, India, and fascism.

So, OK, here's the deal

Since Narendra Modi took power in '14 there's been a massive rise in lynchings (like, the dictionary sense of "lynch")
Lynchings of Muslims in India are driven by alleged violence against cows.

It sounds weird to a "Western" observer - it sounds weird to me as a Korean-American - but cows are serious, serious business in India.

Political figures endorse the violence.…
Human Rights Watch did a study in '19 that identified 44 people – including 36 Muslims – killed in cattle lynchings between 5/2015 - 12/2018.

Police & BJP pols legitimized it or let it happen.

It's basically what Republicans wish they could do.…
Read 9 tweets
@S_V_Surovikin shared this tweet telling @CinC_AFU he had 24 hours for... Something. I think #NAFOFella @Official_NAFO will appreciate this.

So I thought "I wonder where those photos are from?"

2 are at least 2 years old. I couldn't place Bayonet Boy. Image
But let's look closer at these cool dudes:

Easily the most badass of the 4. Tactical, collected, squared away. High speed gear.

Wanna guess where they're from?

**Drumroll Please** Image
The U S of A, baby!

United States Navy SEALS on a training exercise in 2014, photo courtesy of SPC Chris Desmond.

If someone can help me track down Desmond, I'd love to let him know the top brass in Russia think his photo is awesome.…
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Another fella at the embassy tonight:
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Warum die Streitkräfte der Ukraine so mutig sind
Welt Reportage
1.253.312 Aufrufe
25. Juni 2022
Als die Großmacht Russland am 24. Februar 2022 seinen Nachbarn Ukraine mit einer gewaltigen Armee überfiel,
haben alle seriösen Militärexperten dem russischen Narrativ eines "Blitzkrieges" zugestimmt. Keiner glaubte, dass die Ukrainer der russischen Übermacht länger als zwei Wochen widerstehen könnten
Doch die ukrainischen Streitkräfte, die Soldaten und das ukrainische Volk
haben alle überrascht.

Putins Mordbrenner holten sich eine blutige Nase und der Machthaber im Kreml kalt erwischt. Seitdem leisten die Ukrainer Stand und lassen sich nur durch massives Trommelfeuer Meter um Meter zurückdrängen.
Read 4 tweets
one of the largest font shops @ParaTypeNews belongs to Russians who profess fascist views and support the genocide of Ukrainians

Anna Yakupova, the CEO of Paratype, together with colleagues welcomes the annexation of the occupied territories

#NAFO👀 ImageImage
I sound like a broken record but stop buying this is only Putin's war bullshit. here are young educated designers: they know English, they travel abroad and they are fascists

some are already fleeing because they value their lives. but not Ukrainian ones ImageImage
@ictvc, you collaborated with supporters of genocide after the escalation of the war. I would like to know if this is your official position or if you will drop this friendship and support Ukraine?

@Rentafont, please stop working with @ParaTypeNews
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 214 - Iniciamos el #hilo diario con este vídeo de un drone de diseño iraní impactando sobre un edificio en #Odesa. No se ve demasiado claro, pero sí lo suficiente.

🟥 Gracias por compartir 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 214 - Este es el informe de situación sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 214 - Cuando te convocan con 51 años y sin experiencia militar, cosas de la administración... Tampoco pasó ningún examen médico.

Read 40 tweets
Guten Abend,
nachfolgend einmal ein 🧵zu mir als #NAFOFella, als der, der ich im wahren Leben bin und wie ich meine Aufgabe, als Teil der #NAFO und als mitfühlender Mensch mit etwas Lebenserfahrung(...) sehe:
Ich bin eindeutig gegen den Krieg, den Putin vor mittlerweile 8 👇
Jahren vom Zaun gebrochen hat, um sich widerrechtlich Territorium anzueignen und in diesem Jahr einen offenen Angriffskrieg mit dem ERKLÄRTEN Ziel führt, die Ukraine auszulöschen. Putin ist Anhänger 👇Dugins ( und sowohl er, Medwedew, wie auch Lawrow👇
sprechen der Ukraine, ebenso, wie der Rest der FSB-/ Siluwiki-Vereinigung sehr klar die Existenz ab. Was sollte also die Verhandlungsposition sein? Ein kurzzeitiger Frieden, in dem die Ukraine weitere Territorien abtritt, damit Russland wieder Truppen 👇
Read 29 tweets

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