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May 7th 2020
Today, on #NationalNursesDay, we visited local hospitals, with lights and sirens activated, to show appreciation for our healthcare workers. We stand with you. @GreshamPD @PortlandPolice @GreshamFire @PDXFire @ORStatePolice @OHSUNews @OHSUDoernbecher @OurLegacyHealth #WeAreHereNW ImageImageImageImage
We appreciate your courage and dedication. Keep up the fight! #WeGotThisPDX #WeAreHereNW #ThankYouNurses ImageImageImageImage
Proudly serving. ImageImageImageImage
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May 6th 2020
Today is #NationalNursesDay.

Nearly 30,000 #DACA recipients are frontline healthcare workers fighting the #COVID19 pandemic.

These #ImmigrantHealthHeroes are caring for our communities every single day — we must protect them. Here are their stories 👇
Hina came to the US at the age of 10 when her sister needed life-saving medical treatment.

Today she's helping her community survive the #COVID19 crisis as a registered nurse while dealing w/ added stress due to the uncertainty of #DACA. #NationalNursesDay #HomeIsHere
"There are thousands of DACA recipients that are health care workers...and in the midst of COVID-19, you really need every single one of them. And DACA allows those individuals like myself to work." — @hina_nav #NationalNursesDay #HomeIsHere…
Read 13 tweets
May 6th 2020
.@GovHolcomb about to begin his daily #coronavirus briefing.
.@StateHealthIN Commissioner Kristina Box is back, after missing the last several briefings due to the death of her father.
Box's opening statement returns to a q from yesterday, noting that Indiana has the highest infection rate of any state which is moving to reopen. She says IN has more cases because of the high number of Hoosiers with underlying health conditions.
Read 16 tweets
May 6th 2020
THREAD: Today is #NationalNursesDay. Stories like this one underscore how much is at stake for the nurses on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis, as well as their families.
1/ Health care workers on the front lines of COVID-19 likely have a greater risk of contraction. While there are no tallies of how many become infected, one nurse who died of the virus recorded a daily video diary, documenting just how serious it can be.
2/ Pamela Orlando, a nurse who worked at Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, New Jersey recorded her condition each day from home until her symptoms took a turn for the worse and she was admitted to the hospital.
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May 6th 2020
Here’s my recap of today’s (Wednesday, May 6) PHL Public Health press briefing.
First, today is #NationalNursesDay. Mayor Kenney thanked nurses for their service in Philly hospitals, calling them "true heroes."

"Docs get a lot of attention, but none of this would be possible without our nurses," Mayor Kenney said. "Nurses run the hospital."
It is also #CorrectionalEmployeesWeek.

"City employees continue to be on the frontline of this pandemic, and those working in the prisons are no exception," Mayor Kenney said. "... I thank the correction officers and employees for their dedication during this challenging time"
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