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Oct 14th 2020
1 - Why Raja Sahab Mahmudabad aka Nawab Mohammad Amir Ahmed Khan (surrogate / adopted son of #Jinnah ) left Pakistan ? Explains Renowned Historian Mr Hassan Jafar Zaidi

#TwoNationTheory #Democracy #Pakistan #India via @sujagvideos
2 - Why Raja Sahab Mahmudabad aka Nawab Mohammad Amir Ahmed Khan (surrogate / adopted son of #Jinnah ) left Pakistan ? Explains Renowned Historian Mr Hassan Jafar Zaidi

#TwoNationTheory #Democracy #Pakistan #India via @sujagvideos
To say that #Jinnah & #AIML wanted to make #Secular #Liberal #Pakistan not the Theocratic State is a Half Truth ! How would you explain #Islamic Speeches of Jinnah ? Reference:… ( cc @Dr_IshtiaqAhmad @omarali50 )

#TwoNationTheory #Islam #India #Partition ImageImageImage
Read 73 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
1. Next 21 tweets on #Sikh tradition's relationship with different languages & scripts in Indic core & extended MidEast/Mongol/Tibet/E.Asian family.

What were the cultural undercurrents of the first Sikh movement towards Indicization?

What derailed this?

What about the future?
2. #Sikh Guru Angad ji pioneered the re-introduction of Indic script in Punjab. Rolled back imposition of modified-Arabic script.

#Gurmukhi is derived from Sharada script of #Kashmiri Hindus. Related to far flung Tocharian script. Is only surviving member of that script-family.
3. #Sindhis, Hindus from #NWFP & Hinglaaj (present-day #Balochistan), + today's #Kashmiri Hindus' Indic scripts have lost currency. Most now use modified-Arabic script.

These groups should consider adopting #Gurmukhi as script for their languages as they reclaim their identity.
Read 21 tweets

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