What were the cultural undercurrents of the first Sikh movement towards Indicization?
What derailed this?
What about the future?
These groups should consider adopting #Gurmukhi as script for their languages as they reclaim their identity.
DevaNagari is a versatile script, particularly useful for #Sanskrit phonetics.
Gurmukhi is simpler, tailored for vernaculars across India/Persia.
It is not suitable for #Sanskrit, which in that era was restricted to aristocrats.
Gurmukhi is superior to modified-Arabic script, which is inadequate & ruins Indic phonetics.
Regional participating subcultures donate to & absorb from other fraternal subcultures through the #Sanskrit link, and all thrive and co-create.
Under 1 spiritual Sun, waters of diverse lakes/rivers/seas evaporates to Possibility-Sky.
Necessity-Winds move culture-clouds, precipitate distillate across boundaries.
Graceful, collegial, organic.
Not haphazard, colonial, clumsy like Anglo/Arabized pidgins.
Persian found patronage in works of art.
DevaNagari found a place even on coats of arms...




Ram Prasad Niranjani was from Patiala, and is regarded as the 1st author of modern #Hindi prose.
(a) Revival of spoken #Sanskrit is already afoot.
(b) Indic languages reconnect to Sanskrit, while absorbing foreign words. No haphazard pidginization.
(c) Reconnect with Tibet, Mongolia, Japan, SE Asia.
(c) Introduce Gurmukhi script to Urdu & Persian speakers.