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A thread about Scotland, solidarity against dictatorship, and the connection between Chilean fascism and the disaster of Brexit. 🧐✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱#NaePasaran #StopFascism #Brexit #ToriesOut #solidarity #history
I recently saw the extraordinary film “Nae Pasaran”, a powerful, deeply moving story of Scottish workers standing up to the fascist dictatorship in Chile in the 1970s… 🤓✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳🇨🇱 #NaePasaran #StopFascism #solidarity #Scotland #Chile @debasersfilms @naepasaran
One day in March 1974, an engineer at the Rolls Royce plant in East Kilbride, near Glasgow, noticed that there were Chilean aircraft engines in the production line, waiting to be refurbished. They were from Hawker Hunter jets owned by the Chilean Air Force. 😀✊🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇻🇳 #Scotland
Read 57 tweets
Vote for #Farage and get this. This man is Crispin Odey. He bankrolled #VoteLeave and made 220m when leave won by shorting the pound. Farage helped the markets to fluctuate when he 'conceded' the referendum early. You are being used to fill their pockets. #BrexitParty #EUElection
Odey also has links to Rees-Mogg. He helped Jacob set up his hedge fund, and also helped towards his election costs. They are all in this together, they pretend to care about the working-class, but in truth they are exploiting us to make more money.…
Thank you to everyone that has RT this so far, please keep sharing it, it may help some people change their minds about the #EUElections2019…
Read 22 tweets

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