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Feb 19th 2022
#UkraineKonflikt ?

For those who ask:
β€œWhy does Ukraine matter? β€œ

How the nation of #Ukraine ranks:

1st in #Europe in proven recoverable reserves of #uranium ores;

2nd place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of #titanium ore reserves;

1/1 Image
2nd place in the world in terms of explored reserves of #manganese ores (2.3 billion tons, or 12% of the world's reserves);

2nd largest iron ore reserves in the world (30 billion tons);

2nd place in Europe in terms of #mercury ore reserves;

3rd place in Europe (13th place in the world) in shale #gas reserves
(22 trillion cubic meters)

4th in the world by the total value of natural resources;
7th place in the world in #coal reserves
(33.9 billion tons)

Read 11 tweets
Feb 12th 2022
Why #Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ matters to #EU, #US, #UK, #Canada, the world thread πŸ§΅β†“

Β© Olena Karpenko Image
This is #Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ pictured on top of a map of #Europe. It's the biggest European country, bigger than France. Donbass' territories occupied by Russia are as big as Switzerland.

What is happening now is not a small local conflict, but a hazard for the whole world.

Why does #Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ matter?

βœ… 1Λ’α΅— in Europe in proven recoverable reserves of uranium ores;
βœ… 2ⁿᡈ place in Europe and 10th place in the world in terms of titanium ore reserves;

Read 15 tweets

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