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Jan 12th 2023
There was uproar in #France when the city of #Strasbourg agreed to pay €2.5m towards the construction of a new #mosque by a radical #Turkish #Islamist organization in 2021. But who is #MilliGorus and what are their aims? A thread by #theHELC 1/10
Millî Görüş ("National Vision") is a religious-political movement that found expression in a series of #Islamist parties culminating in #Erdogan’s AKP. It argues that Turkey can develop as a rival to the West, by protecting its core values and trusting in God 2/10
The beginning of the movement dates to a manifesto published in 1969 by Necmettin #Erbakan, the Islamist politician who later became prime minister. Erbakan called for #PanIslamism and warned against the ‘#Zionist and Catholic project’ of the European Common market 3/10
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