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Jan 12th 2023
There was uproar in #France when the city of #Strasbourg agreed to pay €2.5m towards the construction of a new #mosque by a radical #Turkish #Islamist organization in 2021. But who is #MilliGorus and what are their aims? A thread by #theHELC 1/10
Millî Görüş ("National Vision") is a religious-political movement that found expression in a series of #Islamist parties culminating in #Erdogan’s AKP. It argues that Turkey can develop as a rival to the West, by protecting its core values and trusting in God 2/10
The beginning of the movement dates to a manifesto published in 1969 by Necmettin #Erbakan, the Islamist politician who later became prime minister. Erbakan called for #PanIslamism and warned against the ‘#Zionist and Catholic project’ of the European Common market 3/10
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Sep 8th 2022
Germany’s strategic blunders in its relationship with #Russia are currently hurting all of Europe. We take a look at the parallel relationship between #Germany and #Turkey and the real risks this poses for the West. A thread by #theHELC #NoSubsForTurkey 1/17 Image
The German / Turkish relationship dates from before #WWI, when the #YoungTurks turned to Germany as the most plausible international ally for their decomposing Empire. A secret treaty between the two powers was concluded on August 2, 1914 2/17
The German #Kaiser #WilhelmII visited the #OttomanEmpire three times in total, pledging to the Sultan and the '300 million Mohammedans scattered over the globe and revering in him their caliph, that the German Emperor will be and remain at all times their friend' 3/17 Image
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Aug 10th 2022
The drill ship #AbdulHamidHan, #Erdogan’s latest vanity project in a country where 15 million people suffer from hunger, was launched yesterday. But who was #AbdulHamid after whom the vessel was named? A thread on the #BloodySultan and the #HamidianMassacres by #theHELC 1/12
Abdul Hamid II was Sultan of the #Ottoman Empire from 1876 to 1909. During his reign, unrest amongst his oppressed subjects in the #Balkans and Asia Minor intensified. His barbaric response would culminate in the massacres of #Armenians and #Assyrians of 1894–1896 2/12
After #Turkey’s defeat in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, it was agreed in the conference of #Berlin that Russia would evacuate the Armenian populated territories of the Ottoman Empire in return for the implementation of reforms to protect the local population 3/12
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Jun 10th 2022
Turkey's leaders are taking a break from enabling #Russia against #NATO and ethnic cleansing Syria’s #Kurds to launch absurd claims and empty threats against Greek islands. We take a look at the painful history of Turkish rule on one of them: a thread on #Chios from #theHELC 1/10
The history of the Greeks in Chios goes back more than 3,000 years reaching to #Minoan and #Mycenaean times. Chios is the most likely birthplace of #Homer and had its own coins and democratic parliament by 600 BC. Its famous wine was exported from the Black Sea to #Egypt 2/10
The islanders sided with Athens and then #Alexander the Great against Persia and continued to prosper under first the #Roman and then the Eastern Roman (#Byzantine) Empire. The famous #mosaics of Nea Moni monastery are considered a masterpiece of Byzantine art 3/10
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Oct 2nd 2021
Protecting Europe’s frontiers with state-of-the-art European technology. A thread on French warplanes in the Hellenic Air Force… #theHELC #France #Rafale #Mirage #HAF
Modern Greek-French relations have deep historical roots going back to the Napoleonic period. In more recent years, Greece’s alliance with France has played a game-changing role in the Hellenic Air Force’s vital mission of defending the airspace of the European Union and NATO.
The recent purchase of 24 state-of-art #Rafale jets is the culmination of a long relationship between the French defence industry and HAF. The procurement of 🇫🇷warplanes in a time of threats from Turkey underlines the deep military and political bonds between the two nations.
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