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Feb 27th 2022

This is one of the biggest things to happen this year

Digital Economy Agreement🤝

@EnigioTime #MLETR #dDOC @ITFAworldwide #eTR #DigitalTrade #Paperless #Trade #G7 #G20 #XDC #blockchain #DLT $XDC #SMARTCONTRACTS
1. This adopts #MLETR in the UK.

Which is a global standard for digital documents which will phase out paper in global trade.

Jurisdictions will be turned out once legislation is updated to accept MLETR as a dDOC standard.

This is the start of the digital document revolution.
2. Read⏬
Read 5 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
SEBA Bank Joins ADGM!🤝

This is huge for $XDC! 🌎🌱

I show the power partnerships in this picture... 👀🧩

@inside_r3 Corda < @lab577 @DASL_Me Bridge < #XDC Network

--Thread Below--⏬

#DLT #ADGM #crypto #blockchain #research #MLETR #Enigio #dDOC #CBDC #Digitalassets #fintech
📞Wake up call to do research & stop sleeping on $XDC

@DASL_Me + @inside_r3
DASL + @XinFin_Official
DASL + @BCBcrypto

Powerhouses laying foundational rails for traditional finance.🚂

#fintech #banking #tradFI #XDC $XDC #Deep #research #DLT #Blockchain
Any deniers that don't believe me that $XDC is connected to R3 Corda

Here are some sources you can spend some hours reviewing.

I've done my research and don't need to explain to anyone when the info is all here👇
#XDC $XDC #R3 #Corda #Connected
Read 16 tweets

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