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Dec 16th 2022
So @The_DTCC has selected @inside_r3 as the Underlying DLT Technology for the Project Ion Platform


2023 “Test” Year,🤔 First Settlement Mechanism on Corda #XRP
Liquidity - Settlement THATS What #XRP Is For The First Settlement Mechanism‼️

Below 👇🏼Is A Live Demo Using #XRP Posted by @inside_r3 Also I Have Provided The Actually Link Too This Demo So You Can Play Around With It
Read 6 tweets
Nov 22nd 2022

SPOILER: this Thread may change the way you see blockchain utility & the metaverse🤯

Blockchain's gateway to the real world is here! ⤵️

#blockchain #crypto #corda @inside_r3 @VodafoneGroup @energywebx $EWT $HBAR @VodafoneIoT @Kigen_Ltd @KORE_Wireless

Imagine a parallel world, in which devices/machines connect & transact. Fully autonomously.

Machine 2 machine (M2M) communication enables this so called 'Economy of Things' (EoT) movement & blockchain plays an essential role in it.

What is the difference between IoT & EoT?

EoT goes a lot further than Internet of Things (IoT), in which devices simply connect to each other.

An example of IoT is pre-heating your house before you get home by connecting your phone to your thermostat).
Read 28 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Allright detectives, saturday morning hangover brain exercise🕵️‍♀️

Got 8 pictures for you🖱Draw your own conclusions😉

$QNT #private #dlt #interoperability #corda #ethereum

Part 2
Part 3 conclusion:

Imo its not unthinkable $qnt bagged fnality, finteum and dtcc as Overledger clients for their private DLT interoperability
Read 4 tweets
Jul 7th 2022
1. Protocols.
Let the market decide what codebase is best. Allow for future growth and future proofing for newer solutions.

- Agnostic Multichain (legacy, BC, DLT) applications. ✅️

#Overledger $Qnt
2. Platforms.

Where 100s of thousands of entities reside to gain access to infrastructure.

- In this case, #Overledger integration into #Oracle for #interoperability solutions. Future proof solutions for 430,000 customers.

3. Business Networks.

Networks or ecosystems that can take advantage of the new protocols to enable more interconnectedness via interoperability.

- Again NEXI / SIA. Focus on particular, #Spunta utilising #Corda and #Ethereum. (SIACHAIN / ABILABCHAIN)

Read 4 tweets
May 25th 2022
$QNT really is ‘THE’ NETWORK of NETWORKS disrupting all industries🤯

@blockdata_tech recently made this famous overview of blockchain consortiums in different sectors.

A mini 🧵on $QNT (7/10) involvement 👇🏻

🟩 Confirmed / highly likely
🟧 Solid leads
🟦 Possible

1/11 Image
I’ll start with the 🟩 ones.

1. SPUNTA; official and build on SIAchain (Corda, Hyperledger, Eth)

Fun fact #1: 100/580 banks live✅
Fun fact #2: just 1 dapp to produce 8.4B transactions💪🏻
Fun fact #3: 11 more SIA dapps to come🔥

2/11 ImageImageImageImage
2. MOBI 🚘🚙

Consortium of:
- 20 financial insitutions💰
- 140 corporates✅

Fun fact: A pilot involving 280 million vehicles with the EU Commission 🇪🇺is being launched soon.

See thread attached👇🏻

3/11 Image
Read 14 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
SEBA Bank Joins ADGM!🤝

This is huge for $XDC! 🌎🌱

I show the power partnerships in this picture... 👀🧩

@inside_r3 Corda < @lab577 @DASL_Me Bridge < #XDC Network

--Thread Below--⏬

#DLT #ADGM #crypto #blockchain #research #MLETR #Enigio #dDOC #CBDC #Digitalassets #fintech
📞Wake up call to do research & stop sleeping on $XDC

@DASL_Me + @inside_r3
DASL + @XinFin_Official
DASL + @BCBcrypto

Powerhouses laying foundational rails for traditional finance.🚂

#fintech #banking #tradFI #XDC $XDC #Deep #research #DLT #Blockchain
Any deniers that don't believe me that $XDC is connected to R3 Corda

Here are some sources you can spend some hours reviewing.

I've done my research and don't need to explain to anyone when the info is all here👇
#XDC $XDC #R3 #Corda #Connected
Read 16 tweets
Nov 7th 2021
Oneday soon, you are going to hear commercially that there is a new internet scale architecture coming to handle all Virtual Assets.


It is called the
' Open Digital Asset Protocol '

As you can see some household names.

#Intel #IBM #MIT.... $QNT

It is building a network of networks achieving interoperability via gateway to gateway.

Any to any blockchain
Legacy networks
Eg. core banking

$Btc $Eth $Xrp
#Corda #Hyperledger
#Quorum #Ripple

There was some recent development with another household name


With reference to the #ODAP
The #TC307 blockchain standard…

Read 4 tweets
Jul 26th 2021
#WeAreXDC #XinFin $XDC #Corda #R3 🔴

Japan’s #JCB publishes white paper on #blockchain confidentiality, privacy.

A month ago, a Singapore startup #OneHypernet announced a cross border netting solution for payments that also uses confidential computing. 1/2
The multilateral netting project combines two technologies from #R3, its #Corda enterprise #blockchain and #Conclave confidential computing offering. 2/2…
Read 4 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
1/ The sheer scale of what @quant_network is working to achieve is incredible and an amazing opportunity.

✅Internet scale interoperability for any blockchain / existing network
✅ Already connect , , , , , , , #Corda #Hyperledger #Quorum

2/✅Implemented in the largest European Financial Network in Europe with SIA
✅Oracle Fintech partner - going to Tier 1 Banks, Central Banks and other Oracle customers to provide mission critical services
✅ Working with Central Banks, Banks, Governments, Healthcare,Supply Chain
3/✅Previous CISO at Vocalink (in charge of security of payments for the UK - £6 Trillion per year)
✅Vice President of Product at Vocalink recently joined
✅Vice Chairman of Comcast and MD of Rockefeller Capital on the Board
✅ Rapidly expanding team consisting of 4 PhDs
Read 8 tweets
Jun 29th 2020
1/ As awareness is increasing for @quant_network after recent announcements I encourage everyone to see the thread below providing more details around the project. Excellent Team, Tech, Use cases, Tokenomics, Partners $QNT has it all.

2/ Quant’s Overledger Blockchain Operating System not only provides interoperability between all the leading Enterprise and Public Blockchains but also connecting the world’s networks to blockchain with just 3 lines of code.
3/ Unlike other solutions, Overledger solves interoperability at scale without the overhead/bottleneck/single point of failure of adding another blockchain in the middle, nor does it impose restrictions / require blockchains to fork their code to connect.…
Read 43 tweets
Mar 29th 2020
1/ In these uncertain times it's more important than ever to choose what to invest in. Below are some of reasons why I believe $QNT is low risk with incredible reward potential. Excellent Team, Tech, Use cases, Tokenomics, Partners $QNT has it all. #Interoperability is key. 🧵👇 Image
2/ Hedge against Inflation - $QNT has a total supply of just 14.6 million, no inflation, no new tokens minted and no huge % of tokens controlled by the team waiting to be released. Circulating supply is 12 Million which will reduce over time with #QNT being locked up for licenses
3/ Whether it's #Bitcoin, Stable Coins, #DeFi, Central Bank Digital Currencies that come out on top or a combination of all, @quant_network is working with them all, connecting $BTC, $ETH, $XRP and working with multiple Central Banks all leading to more demand / usage of $QNT
Read 15 tweets

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