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May 22nd 2023
Beaucoup de choses ont changé récemment sur @ede_finance. Je souhaitais faire un thread pour tout résumer.

Voici donc le guide ultime pour @ede_finance et l'opportunité d'investissement qu'il représente
#arbitrum #perp Image

1️⃣ Vue d'ensemble
2️⃣ ELP
3️⃣ EUSD
4️⃣ EDE
5️⃣ EDET
6️⃣ Avis perso
1️⃣ Vue d'ensemble

@ede_finance est un dex perp qui permet de réaliser du trading avec levier.

Le projet est un fork modifié de GMX qui était d'abord exclusivement sur BNB puis qui est passé en début d'année sur Arbitrum. On va donc surtout se concentrer sur cette chaîne.
Read 21 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
Are you ready for the most epic Perpetual DEX that will solve all your problems?

Look no further than Aark Digital, coming soon to Arbitrum.

Join us on this journey and experience the power of perpetual trading like never before!…
#perp #Arbitrum
Everyone has been buzzing about the Real Yield narrative lately.
However, there are still a lot of issues with existing major Perp DEXs for the Real Yield meta to be really “sustainable”.
The limited number of trading pairs provides a limited trading experience for traders.
Read 11 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
I'm seeing a lot of chatter about this $SWTH token.

I dug through their tokenomics, and what I found surprised me.

Here's why $SWTH has grade-A real-yield tokenomics, and is one of the best in #crypto.

tldr at the end;

#realyield #cosmos #perp #dex #carbon #kuji #sei #osmo
$SWTH is the governance token of @0xcarbon, which is a DeFi-focused L1 chain on Cosmos, with built-in DeFi modules like orderbooks, CDP (money markets), perpetual, flexi network fees, etc.

They are tailored for DeFi dApps, offering the best DeFi experience for users. Image is one such DeFi dApps currently live on the Carbon network.

It is a frontend UI for users to easily interact with Carbon's inbuilt DeFi modules.

Demex is an all-in-one DeFi hub that offers a frictionless trading experience that rivals CEXs.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
As you know, i’m screening the #Crypto market about #PERP Protocols

Let me introduce you @spin_fi (decentralized trading platform with derivatives), perp protocol built on @NEARProtocol blockchain with POTENTIAL #Airdrops

If you missed #APTOS, do your homework anon!

@spin_fi started with a first SEED round of 3.75m$ in Q1 2022
And @spin_fi just reached 1m$ trading volume following deployment on Mainnet
Read 10 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
1/ #realyield Narratives keep going on in 2022.

$SNX is closed to release @synthetix_io V3.

Wen Sir? After Perp V2 buddy! But what is Perp V2 and how it's made to make Perpetual futures trading more efficient.

Grab the info here 👇 Image
2/ Perp V2 features is about improving efficiency of perps trading with technical improvements. And instead of digging into the technical details, if you're interested about it, just read this synthesis made by @rasputincat_

And so?
3/ If you don't know yet, @synthetix_io is building the foundation, and backend for several type of #DEFI projects.

Together @synthetix_io V3 who will allow any protocol to plug into to avoid cold start liquidity...

Read 7 tweets

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