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Oct 23rd 2020
#PresidentialDebates should not happen without #LiveFactChecking, especially when our #despot is infamous for lies! This is a thread which attempts to dispute some of #TheHateYam's lies. The #SecondPresidentialDebate2020 begins at 24:19 on this video.
At 28:00 #PresidentDeathBreath congratulates himself on what he's done in terms of #PPE. All he did was loot the #FederalStockpile they sold it at auction abroad for #TrumpCrimeSyndicate profit, then #Kushner said it was their own not #ThePeoplesStockpile!…
Then he replaced the quality, American made #PPE stolen from #ThePeoplesStockpile w/substandard mice chewed expired crap he bought from #Putin, he allowed #Putin to fly it into #Boston on fighter jet! #Russian fighter jets do not belong in our airspace!…
Read 21 tweets
Jul 8th 2020
@Cleavon_MD @SpyTalker @bobbycblanchard @charlesornstein @Mike_Hixenbaugh As they packed like sardines into pews,
I envisioned bad mid-July news.
Headlines now, alas, read
that more thousands will need
ventilation, lest they become blue.

#TrumpinAZ, 6/23/20 😬
🔜 @MarthaMcSally #azsen @SenateGOP 👋🏼 @CaptMarkKelly @SenateDems 🇺🇸
@Cleavon_MD @SpyTalker @bobbycblanchard @charlesornstein @Mike_Hixenbaugh @MarthaMcSally @SenateGOP @CaptMarkKelly @SenateDems As they packed like sardines into pews,
I envisioned bad mid-July news.
Headlines now (alas!) read
that more thousands will need
ventilation, else they all turn blue.

@VP* → @firstdallas, 6/28/20
🔜 @RepMcCaul @SenateGOP 👋🏼 @HouseIntel @COVIDOversight 🗽
@Cleavon_MD @SpyTalker @bobbycblanchard @charlesornstein @Mike_Hixenbaugh @MarthaMcSally @SenateGOP @CaptMarkKelly @SenateDems @VP @firstdallas @RepMcCaul @HouseIntel @COVIDOversight Be it stadiums, churches or schools,
these #massmurderers act like we’re fools.
Why the rush to reopen
if doctors aren’t copin’
w/ #caseloads? Defies all the rules.

🔜 @MarthaMcSally 🤡 @JohnCornyn 👋🏼 @COVIDOversight 🇺🇸
Read 11 tweets
May 26th 2020
@USAmbIceland @usembreykjavik In #deathtotals this impostor leads.
At 100000 our nation bleeds.
As before: THERE’S NO PLAN.
Just this #ElCrappyTan
whose ineptness no one supersedes.

#CadetBoneSpurs 🏌🏻
@ArcticCouncil @landlaeknir @Landspitali @svasva @HouseForeign @SpeakerPelosi
@USAmbIceland @usembreykjavik @ArcticCouncil @landlaeknir @Landspitali @svasva @HouseForeign @SpeakerPelosi #Iceland’s strategy?
Try using SCIENCE.
Trump’s malfeasance?
It’s his failed appliance.
Donald flubbed the #pandemic. Response was anemic!
Upon Trump there exists no reliance.

@megtirrell @jonatlib @RUVfrettir
@KariStefans 👏🏻 @katrinjak 👏🏻 @VidirReynisson
Read 36 tweets
Apr 2nd 2020
@AuthorKimberley @ponytail122 1/ In November 1969, there was a “march against death” in Washington DC in protest of the Vietnam war. 40,000 participants carried a placard with the name of a soldier killed in the war, marched past the WH, & deposited the placards in coffins in front of the capitol.
@AuthorKimberley @ponytail122 2/ It started on Thursday night & continued through the night & the next day. If & when we can safely demonstrate without undue risk of the virus, we should do this, with the names of everyone killed by #PresidentDeath & his minions. In their face, in front of the WH.
@AuthorKimberley @ponytail122 3/ Demonstrations during that weekend brought 500,000 participants & is alleged to be the largest protest ever in DC. We haven’t had enough protests, but now that students are not on campus, maybe a massive protest like that would be feasible. It was one of the most...
Read 6 tweets

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