At 100000 our nation bleeds.
As before: THERE’S NO PLAN.
Just this #ElCrappyTan
whose ineptness no one supersedes.
#CadetBoneSpurs 🏌🏻
@ArcticCouncil @landlaeknir @Landspitali @svasva @HouseForeign @SpeakerPelosi
Try using SCIENCE.
Trump’s malfeasance?
It’s his failed appliance.
Donald flubbed the #pandemic. Response was anemic!
Upon Trump there exists no reliance.
@megtirrell @jonatlib @RUVfrettir
@KariStefans 👏🏻 @katrinjak 👏🏻 @VidirReynisson
why our best scientists had been muzzled.
Donald’s daily disruption
bore the scent of corruption
unless he disinfectant guzzled.
@RepValDemings @c_drosten @CDCgov @HouseIntel @HomelandDems @SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris
Já, mikill reykur,
því forsetinn* minn er sinnisveikur.
Engin veira enn til eftir fyrsta apríl?
Hver sem hlustar,
verður sem nár bleikur. 🤡
#aprílgabb 🤦🏼♂️ @visir_is @frettabladid_is @rvkgrapevine @Kjarninn @stundin @Icelandair @isavia
þegar fundurinn átti sér stað.
Í nefið að klæja?
Ég fór bara að hlæja …
Plága varaforsetans? Geggjað.
👃 @vp* 🤝 @secAzar* 🤢
@Jon_Gnarr @IngaLalu @vilhelmneto @e18n @naglalakk @NatanKol @nicholeleigh19 @andiefontaine23
@Landvernd @SpeakerPelosi
Trump heldur að ef #veiran nítján “bara” veldur hundrað þúsund dauðsföllum … #ekkertmál?
NEI — við köllum forsetann* fyrir gáleysi sakfelldur. 🔜🤡🗳️👋🏼🇺🇸
að forsetinn* (það varð engin kona)
vill sótthreinsa grímur. 😷
Nú skiljið þið glímur
við flensu hálfvitans.
Hið besta að vona …
… sótthreinsispritt?
Já, forsetinn* er heimskur. Einmitt.
Hvað með skort sýnatöku?
“Leyfðu þeim að borða köku.”
Galnastan mann sem ég hef fyrirhitt.
eitthvað ég vitandi vil, en drekki
hann það eins og kaffi
hnusi afi gíraffi
sem dópistann ég jafnan hér þekki.
👃 #SniffyMcAdderall 👅 #SnifflestheClown 👀 #afigíraffi
— þratt fyrir fákænsku farsótt. 😷
🙋🏻 “Er hver pinni hnífjafn?”
Svarar forsetans* safn:
“Vitum ekki, hvort þeir virka gótt.” 🤷🏻♂️
You must be joking …
I digress. How much
cr@ck [are] you smoking?
We’ve 100K 🇺🇸 DEAD. 💀
What has gone to your head?
Meanwhile, #LyinKing 🏌🏻
#conflict keeps stoking.
unroll plís 🇺🇸❤️🇮🇸
@SpeakerPelosi 🗽
but their words never sound realistic.
👉🏼 There’s still no #testingplan! 👈🏼
From that task Donald ran. 🏌🏻
They gloss over this grisly statistic.
#TrumpHasNoPlan @HouseForeign @HouseIntel @OversightDems @SpeakerPelosi
I never regret her.
A constituent pens her this letter.
An ambassador blocked me,
a citizen … docked me.
Before Donald signed his dead letter.
Either my critique left someone frantic or disinclined to peek at Icelandic.
@FirstAmendWatch @megtirrell @NPR

@SpeakerPelosi 🗽
👍🏻🙇🇺🇸🗽⚖️ @SpeakerPelosi
of a nation’s #exploration story.
But to harp on it now
like some sacred white cow
with each fresh grave to plow
— 40,000,000 no Dow —
strikes me as preternaturally gory.
#DavidBurnett @russianhillbook @CoinOpSF @sanfranciscan__ @KamalaHarris

after Hennepin County did choose
one bad cop to arrest.
Still no word on the rest.
People ponder … where’s Donald’s next fuse?
#GeorgeFloydMurder #FirstDegreeMurder #JusticeforGeorgeFloyd @HouseIntel @SpeakerPelosi 🗽…
during lengthy days of #TrumpQuarantine
never once before thought
rubber bullets get shot
toward a quite impartial camera team.
🙏🏼 @KaitlinRustWAVE
#LouisvilleProtests #GeorgeFloydMurder
to make video 📸 conflict go viral.
Hiding behind his curtain,
with destruction he’s flirtin’.
His iniquity merits an eye-roll. 🙄
#payattention 🌻 #greatandpowerful #wizardofoz #trumpownseverydeath
to make video 📸 conflict go viral.
Hiding behind his curtain,
with destruction he’s flirtin’.
His iniquity merits an eye-roll. 🙄
#payattention 🌻 #greatandpowerful #wizardofoz #trumpownseverydeath
hin zu kriegen ’ne rabenschwarze Nacht.
Bürgerrechte? Passé.
Und der #Rechtsstaat? Ade.
War von vorn herein so ausgemacht.
#BöseBullen #MagaNacht 1/x #NYCProtests @SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris 🗽
hin zu kriegen ’ne rabenschwarze Nacht.
Bürgerrechte? Passé.
Und der Rechtsstaat? Ade.
War von vorn herein so ausgemacht!
#BöseBullen #MagaNacht 2/x #AtlantaProtests @SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris 🗽
during lengthy days of #TrumpQuarantine
never once before thought
rubber bullets get shot
toward a quite impartial camera team.
#BöseBullen #MagaNacht 3/x #LouisvilleProtests
@SpeakerPelosi 🇺🇸🗽⚖️
the sh¡t that went down?
Anything but pretty.
“Let the canisters roll!”
As if by remote control,
or auto-malfeasance committee.
#BöseBullen #MagaNacht 4/x
#DenverProtests @MrStewardess @SenatorBennet 🗽
Will gleich los schießen.
Ist nicht gelogen!
Aus dem Auto wird Wrack.
Pariert gleich zur Attacke verbal. 🎥
Schwarzen Peter zugeschoben.
#MagaSpontis #MagaNacht #MegaÜbel 5/x #SLCProtests @SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris 🗽
#BrandonMcCormick #MagaSpontis #MagaNacht 5a/x #SLCProtests @SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris 🗽
stoked to babble like a vigilante,
all can see Donald’s gone. 🤡👁👅
No one’s home — lights are on.
Our White House he’s turned into a shanty.
6/x #MagaNacht
@SpeakerPelosi 🗽
sem auðvitað þarfnast eldsneyta.
Að tala reiprennandi “orku” … ?
Vel spennandi. Eitthvað
… sem við þurfum að breyta.
#LaunchAmerica #spilling 7/x
w/ his leadership profile a flunker.
On @Twitter he glowered — ’neath the @WhiteHouse he cowered:
this unqualified #conman spelunker.
#GuteNacht #BunkerDon 8/8
@SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris 🗽
Our government flunker?
Belongs in a bunker.
🦅 #WeThePeople 🇺🇸
inform Trump: #YOUreFIRED!
@SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris 🗽
Setzt ein Militär.
Gegens eigene Volk.
Mir verquer!
Vorerst sind’s nur Hubschrauber.
Ziemlich fauler Zauber.
Die korrupte Demenz?
Ganz schön hehr.
@SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris 🗽
… Blond Dumbagogue.
Insecurities he’d microblog.
#WeThePeople knew (maybe)
this crass #BunkerBaby 🤣
could kill w/ his sad monologue. 🤷🏼♂️
#AgolfTwitler #BenedictDonald
#CheetoCeaușescu #DictatorInChief 👎🏻
@SpeakerPelosi @KamalaHarris 🗽