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Feb 6th 2023
Hello Tweeple! Super chuffed to have this #paper just out in @naturesustainab ! It took 2 years, 15 institutions and 18 authors to put this together. Here's a summary 👇🧵 (0/9)
(1/9) The problem: #landscape-scale #conservation in a crowded country like #India
(2/9) Let's take this one (#biogeographic) zone at a time...
Read 13 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
India is upping its capital expenditure by 33% in FY24 (Q2 2023 to Q1 2024). The Sensex likes this!!!
Bonds, well, not as happy as it means there will be more government borrowing.
India has policies to encourage production of lab grown diamonds. 💍💎#Priority.

Anyway, on a more serious note, more government spending/investment will just continue to crowd out private investment. We wrote a note on this.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
The Black Liberation & Indigenous Sovereignty (BLIS) Priority Campaign is postponing this event and rescheduling it to December 4 at 3:30 pm in order to give members and trainers time to process and respond to this week’s events.…
From police violence in our own city to the unchecked violence by white supremacists against protestors, to the violence against Indigenous people fighting against the capitalist destruction and expropriation of our planet, this week has been heavy for all of us.
Our priority campaign arose in part out of the recognition that policing and the carceral system are tools of white supremacy that will never serve Black and Indigenous folks, working class folks, poor people, or those who fight against the interests of the wealthy/elite class.
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Mar 15th 2020


1. German News paper @WELTAMSONNTAG is reporting that Trump is trying to secure exclusive access to a vaccine by luring German scientists with big cash incentives. The German government is trying to prevent this.…
2. Part Translation:

'The Tubingen-based company CureVac is researching a Corona vaccine under high pressure. According to information acquired by @WELTAMSONNTAG the U.S Government wants to secure the exclusive rights to it. The German Govt is trying to prevent this.

3. ‘Between the US and Germany, the Corona crisis is reported to lead to an indirect but tangible economic policy debate. The reason: US President DT tries to lure German scientists working on a potential corona vaccine to America using high financial incentives,’

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