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Most recents (4)

Mar 20th 2023
#1 Decide Your Tax Regime

The new regime is no fuss and works well.

The old regime allows you to claim deductions and exemptions

If you choose the old regime finalise your tax planning strategy now! (2/7)

#tax #deductions #taxplanning #taxregime
#2 Restructure Your Payslip

Study your pay slip and optimise your EPF contributions. If you choose the old tax regime structure your allowances properly.

Talk to our financial planning team today if you’d like assistance. (3/7)

#salary #CTC #payslip #epf #providentfund
#3 Review Your Investments

2023 is a year that belongs to savers!

You will be spoilt for choice. And there’s no better way to take advantage of this than reviewing and restructuring your investment portfolio. (4/7)

#investmentreview #investing #portfolio
Read 7 tweets
Sep 3rd 2021
Thread: 🚨 #EPF ALERT!

Is your contribution > Rs 2.5 lakh?

You must know about the new #PF (Provident Fund) rule.

New PF rule decoded. #EPFO #ProvidentFund #EmployeeProvidentFund #Savings Image

Is your contribution > Rs 2.5 lakh?

You must know about the new #PF (Provident Fund) rule.

New PF rule decoded. #EPFO #ProvidentFund #EmployeeProvidentFund #Savings Image

Is your contribution > Rs 2.5 lakh?

You must know about the new #PF (Provident Fund) rule.

New PF rule decoded. #EPFO #ProvidentFund #EmployeeProvidentFund #Savings Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 20th 2021
Thread 🧵on Public Provident Fund #PPF

Everything you need to know about PPF.

Must read for everyone, especially youngsters as retirement planning should start at young age.

(If you like then please re-tweet to maximize reach)

#InvestmentPlanning #RetirementPlanning #Pension
#RetirementPlanning should start at very young age for maximum benefit of #PowerofCompounding.

& ... PPF can be one of the good investment avenues to make a large retirement corpus.

This Thread will explain details of PPF

@caniravkaria @Vivek_Investor @VidyaG88 views welcome

Public Provident Fund #PPF is a retirement benefit scheme introduced by the central government.

It is a popular long-term investment option that offers a high degree of safety to your investment capital.

#ProvidentFund #Investing #InvestmentPlanning #RetirementPlanning
Read 22 tweets
Dec 6th 2019
The National Commission for Enterprises in the #UnorganisedSector was set up in 2004 as an advisory body & a watchdog for the #informal sector. This NCEUS report reviews #labour #laws & #SocialSecurity systems that apply to #workers in unorganised sectors. ImageImageImageImage
It observes that while existing laws have some provisions for conditions of #work for certain workers, there is no comprehensive legal framework for the “basic and minimum conditions of work” for unorganised sector workers.
Therefore, it proposes comprehensive & protective laws for agricultural & non-agricultural workers in the unorganised sector that will regulate conditions of #work, #SocialSecurity, #welfare and #livehood promotion.
Read 16 tweets

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