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Jun 5th 2023
(1/N) #ColumnaRecomendada
<Cómo la #ReformaPensional podría afectar a los más vulnerables> Por @opardor, dir. del @ofiscalpuj

El @ofiscalpuj de @UniJaveriana hace recomendaciones para evitar que el proyecto lesione a los más necesitados.
Vía @elespectador…
(2/N) En esta oportunidad, desde el @ofiscalpuj queremos hacer un importante llamado al Gobierno nacional acerca de una muy alarmante situación que se presenta con el #PilarSemicontributivo en la propuesta radicada.
(3/N) Actualmente, solo una de cada cuatro personas logra obtener una #pensión. Infortunadamente, las dinámicas laborales no parecen sugerir que en el largo plazo esta situación vaya a cambiar significativamente. Con optimismo, se pensionarán solo uno de cada tres colombianos.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
Even though #marriage #registration is taken lightly in India, it is one of the most #Important things to be done once the rituals and the parties are over.

Here are the #Benefits of a #registered marriage in India

1. If a #spouse is working abroad and wants to take his or her partner along requires the #marriage #certificate.
The foreign #embassies abstain from issuing a work #permit in the absence of a marriage certificate.
2. #Legal proceedings in case of succession of property to the #spouse are easy.

3. The court requires a #marriage #certificate to transfer #property or #custody of children in case of legal separation.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
#France #pension reform bill #protests continue as King Charles III’s visit is cancelled | Mar 24
- National trade union federation #CGT stated that 3.5 million protestors took to the streets across France Thursday
#Protests over #France’s #pension reform stretch into 9th day | 23.3.2023
#France hit by nationwide #protests as Macron bent on #pension bill | Mar 23
- Workers angry with a rise in the pension age blocked access to a terminal at #Paris' Roissy-Charles De Gaulle #airport, forcing some travelers to get there on foot.…
Read 10 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
French #Pension #Protests Erupt As Over 1 #Million #Demonstrate | Mar 24
- #Paris: More than 1 million people demonstrated across France on Thu against unpopular pension reforms, unions called for new nationwide #strikes…
Over a #Million #French #Protesters March Against #Macron’s #Pension-Age Raise | Mar 23
- Trains were curtailed and many schools were shut down during #nationwide demonstrations…
#Protesters set fire to #Bordeaux #townhall amid anger over #pension reform | 24.03.2023
- Violent protests rock #Paris, many other cities in France, says local media…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
Last night in Paris.
🍨🥧🎂 🥮🍥🧁🍰
This could be us, but we're too busy fighting each other instead of the corrupt capitalist system.

Wow, #Paris police are escalating and out of control.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
1/ BREAKING - #Budget2023 🧵 is now live

Chancellor @Jeremy_Hunt is on his feet and starting to give his speech. I'll be tweeting live on anything related to NHS pensions in particular (& lots of changes expected so pay attention!)

Read to the end, & RT once you have!
2/ There has been intense media speculation over the last week so we are expecting that will be movement on #pension taxation as per the headline of the @Telegraph yesterday.... so lets see what makes it to the FINAL budget 🍿
3/ Please make sure you read to the end

As with all of these things #TheDevilisInTheDetail, this 🧵 will expand during the chancellors speech, & finally detail will be added once the budget documents are added later this PM (including any required addenda as more detailed known)
Read 19 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
1/19 @ttmygh of the wonderful Things That Make You Go HMMMM newsletter just wrote a scathing piece on the emerging #pension fund disaster in lagged marks from private #equity.
2/19 As he explains:
#PrivateEquity is taking down Pension Funds as they struggle to keep the game of hot-potato going. “Hot potato” being the business practice of selling slices of companies back and forth to one another at ever higher #valuations.
3/19 The “solution” appears to be PE firms building funds to buy #assets from themselves at possibly fraudulent valuations set by themselves.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
Millions of workers in #France join third mass #protest against pension cuts #Macron | -28min
- over 400,000 people marched in #Paris and a total of 2 million protested nationwide, while millions more went on #strike and stayed at home.…
#Macron #pension. #Protesters in #Paris marched peacefully with a very heavy police presence | Feb 7
- Tens of 1000s marched in the cities of #Nice, #Marseille, #Toulouse, #Nantes - against the pension bill that would raise the min retirement from 62 to 64
#Protests in #France continue against #pension reform | Feb 7
- Public transport, schools and refinery supplies were disrupted in France on Tuesday as trade unions led a third wave of nationwide #strikes a day after pension reform legislation
Read 8 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
We're breaking #Budget2023 down for you.

Sit back, relax, and have a great read! 👇

Infra gets boost:

- Highest ever capital outlay of Rs. 2.40 lakh crores for Railways

- 50-year interest-free loans to states one more year for infra spends

Agri & Fisheries to benefit:

- Agricultural accelerator fund to promote agri-startups

- 10,000 bio-input resource centres in next 3 yrs to promote natural farming

- 6000 Cr outlay for Animal husbandry, dairy, and fisheries
Read 28 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
Ethnic #Germans are ‘#dying out’ and #migrants ‘will #inherit#Germany | Jan 18
- An Iranian celebrates the “dying out” of ethnic Germans in a controversial hate-filled article in one of the country’s largest newspapers…
#Replacement. ‘Ethnic #Germans Are #Dying Out And #Migrants Will #Inherit Germany’ | Jan 27
- An Iranian refugee in Germany wrote a piece celebrating the demographic replacement of Germans in Germany's largest newspaper.…
#Iranian #Muslim celebrates the “#dying out” of ethnic #Germans in a hate-filled article in #Remix | Jan 24
- “We are here not just for your #pension #funds - we make sure that the #Aryan nightmare never becomes a reality in this country,…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|⏯️ |💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | El día de hoy se informará sobre la dispersión de los recursos de la pensión a #AdultosMayores, dijo el presidente @lopezobrador_, además, adelantó que los beneficiarios podrán acudir a los bancos y algunos podrán cobrar la pensión en efectivo.
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ informó que habrá una conferencia de prensa a las 11:00 hrs, por parte del Gabinete de seguridad, para informar sobre el motín ocurrido en el penal de Ciudad Juárez, #Chihuahua y otros hechos ocurridos en la entidad.
Read 26 tweets
Dec 16th 2022
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|⏯️ 💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ envió su solidaridad y apoyo a @CiroGomezL, además, dijo que desde anoche se está haciendo la investigación, la cual le corresponde al @GobCDMX, y reveló que ya se identificó a una motocicleta y a un vehículo.
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ informó que el penal de las Islas Marías se convirtió en el Centro de Educación Ambiental y Cultural “Muros de Agua-José Revueltas”, el cual será inaugurado esta tarde, además, dijo, que se cuenta con cabañas para los turistas
Read 38 tweets
Dec 7th 2022
1/ This is so abysmal that I had to actually read the Illinois Teacher's Retirement System acturial and valuation reports for the pension's FY 2022 (ending June 30). #Illinois #Pension #Crisis

Summary Report:…

Full Report:…
2/ Before discussing the TRS pension shortfall, a few things to keep in mind: The TRS unfunded pension liabilities are only a part of the IL state total, and Chicago is in it's own separate pension nightmare. Here are the 2020 figures from Bond Buyer ( Image
3/ And as I have highlighted ad nauseum, Illinois and Chicago's pension shortfalls are completely unsustainable. You don't want to be in the bottom right corner of this chart... Image
Read 28 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
NEW: Striking UK university staff have called for the reversal of cuts to their #USS pensions after new data showed the retirement scheme had moved to a £5 billion funding surplus.

More follows:
#UCU, the union representing higher eduction sector workers, said #pension cuts which came into force in April will see a typical lecturer lose 35% of their future guaranteed retirement income with losses steepest for those at the earliest stages of their careers.
UCU: "USS pension cuts were predicated on a valuation of the scheme conducted in March 2020 as markets collapsed. After recording a deficit of £14.1bn, the scheme has since recovered and according to this week’s monitoring report now holds a surplus of £5.6bn"
Read 4 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
NEW: The #USS pension scheme, at the centre of an industrial disupte involving thousands of higher education sector workers, showed a £5.6bn surplus at the end of August, according to the latest scheme monitoring update.
NEW: The #USS said that a deficit (£14bn) identified in the 2020 valuation, had been "eliminated" as of the end of August with the scheme showing a £5.6bn surplus.

The controversial 2020 scheme valuation led to a range of benefit cuts for tens of thousands of #USS members.
However, the #USS said market conditions had remained highly volatile since 31 March this year & as a result, the exact position of the Scheme at the end of September "cannot be established with any
certainty" with the most recent figures to be
viewed with a "degree of caution".
Read 4 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
Thanks to @GeoffCutmore & @cnbcKaren for this morning's chat on #SquawkBox.

I did TRY to find something positive to say - honest, folks!

Following are the notes I sent the team before the show:-
Ok. So here goes...

Something I've mentioned on here: the enormous scale of Europe's energy problem runs into the €trillions. The #AmpelDesGrauens "Doppel-Wums" -'bazooka' - relief package is €200bln & doubts are *already* being voiced whether will suffice.
Read 14 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
Numbers don’t lie, but they can be deceiving.

A good salesperson can sell you a poor product by using numbers🔢to his advantage.

And you really won’t notice unless you ask the right questions.

A 🧵 on how you can be fooled with data when buying #insurance policies.👇
▪️ Number Game In #Annuity or #Pension Plans

The sales pitch goes like this:

If you invest Rs 10 lakh now, you will start getting around Rs 1 lakh a year after a decade--a 10% assured return on your #investment.

But there’s a catch.👇
It’s not 10% #returns. Here’s why.👇

For the first 10 years, there will be no payout. During this time, your #money will earn interest and grow.📈

Even if you invest in FD and earn a 5.5% #InterestRate , your money will grow to Rs 17 lakh in a decade.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 17th 2022
📊 Hemos analizado todas las intervenciones de los candidatos durante la #campaña de las #EleccionesAndalucía2022 y estas son las veces que han dicho #Jóvenes y #Pensionistas por cada 10.000 palabras.

🧵 Os explicamos algunas conclusiones a continuación.

#19J #Andalucia #Datos ImageImage
Un ejercicio muy interesante es cruzar estos datos con los de la encuesta de voto por edad realizada por @deimos_es para @voz_populi…
Una primera conclusión es que durante esta campaña de #EleccionesAndalucia2022 , los candidatos han mencionado mucho más a los #Jovenes que a las personas #jubiladas.
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Jun 16th 2022
71,000 UK university sector staff will lose £100k-£200k each from their pensions due to the impact of the latest pension cuts, according to a global academic analysis.

More follows:
196,000 active members of the #USS #pension scheme will see their future pensions cut by 30%-35% if Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) remains at its historic average of 2.5%, according to the first global analysis of the impact of the April 2022 #USS pension cuts, published in May.
But the impact of the April 2022 cuts is harshest on the under 40s, according to the academic analysis. Losses to their future pension range between £100-000 to £200,000. Image
Read 3 tweets
May 31st 2022
Mutual Funds - The Future of Investing

A decade of pension fund growth in Nigeria has prepared the ground for a boom in the country’s mutual fund sector.

Investments in carefully constructed higher performing risk-managed funds now outperform interest on bank deposits and... Image
...even land.

In 2020 alone, for example, assets under management in Nigeria’s Mutual Funds grew by 50% - topping N1.6 trillion.

Mutual funds are investment funds that pool money from many investors to purchase securities, like stocks, bonds, money market instruments,....
....and other assets.

Mutual funds are operated by professional money managers who seek to assemble the right mix of funds, balancing risk with growth according to investors’ risk appetite, growth needs and investment horizons.

It is in the management of these funds that...
Read 4 tweets
May 16th 2022
✍️❗️#NuevoInforme del @ofiscalpuj: <<¿Cuáles son las #PropuestasPensionales de los candidatos?>>

Actualmente, solo uno de cada cuatro adultos mayores cuenta con #pensión en Colombia. Además, un grupo reducido hace parte de los prog. Colombia Mayor y Beneficios Económicos (#BEPS)
(2/N) La desprotección económica en la vejez tiene mayor incidencia en contra de las #mujeres. Paralelamente, el 31% de la población mayor de 65 años se encuentra en #PobrezaMonetaria, con una mayor incidencia en la ruralidad (37%).
(3/N) La próxima Presidencia de la República se va a enfrentar al reto de aumentar la #CoberturaPensional y la #protección a la vejez. Para esto es necesario aumentar la tributación nacional, siguiendo con los principios constitucionales de #equidad, #progresividad y #eficiencia.
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Mar 4th 2022
BREAKING: 68 universities in the UK face a further 5 days of strike action this month over #pension cuts and pay.
Staff at the 68 universities this week finished taking up to 10 days of strike action.

UCU, the union, said further strike action was called after employers "forced through pension cuts and refused to negotiate meaningfully over pay and working conditions.
UCU, the union, says preparations are also underway for for a marking and assessment boycott

All universities across the UK to be reballoted for potential action next term, the union added.
Read 17 tweets
Feb 28th 2022
BREAKING: The #USS trustee board today agreed to proceed with controversial #pension cuts for tens of thousands of #university sector members, effective from April 2022.
#USS said: “The Valuation was signed off in September 2021. At the meeting today, the Trustee board agreed to the deed giving effect to the changes to the member benefits from April 2022 in the form recommended by the Joint Negotiating Committee.”
The USS trustee approved the #pension cuts today as a High Court judge in London gave the go-ahead for a legal challenge to the 2020 #USS valuation.

"The Trustee’s view remains that this claim is without merit," said USS, adding it had not yet puts its case to the Court yet.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 22nd 2022
BREAKING: An industrial dispute over #pension cuts impacting thousands of university sector workers is set to escalate as employer-backed proposals to reduce guaranteed #pension benefits were ratified today.
BREAKING: The University and College Union (UCU) has told #USS university employers to expect more industrial action, including a marking and assessment boycott, after controversial cuts to guaranteed pension benefits were ratified.
NEW: UCU general secretary Jo Grady said University vice chancellors had today chosen to "steal tens of thousands from the retirement income of staff".

"This is a deplorable attack which our members won’t take lying down."
Read 4 tweets

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