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It took my legs a few minutes to warm up this morning, but glad to report that long morning walks remain easy, in contrast to later in the day. #Totnes is waking up beautifully ☀️
5 miles walked this morning, with no adverse effects. Then strimmed & mowed a lawn. Great to not be worried about my heart and lungs as I got a real workout from the gardening. However, I'm mindful of the warnings of some with #LongCovid that I should continue to pace myself.
Read 73 tweets
🚨: Oxygen levels measured by the "gold standard" pulse oximeters were "3X less likely to detect low oxygen levels in Black patients than in white patients."
🧵below ⬇️⬇️ Pulse Oximeter against a di...
.@ushamcfarling writes how using pulse oximeters that can't read oxygen levels on darker skin as accurately could delay potentially life-saving #COVID therapies in Black, Asian & Hispanic patients
via @statnews…

🛑This isn't NEW news.
➡️ In Aug '20: @BostonReview wrote "A #PulseOximeter "must “see” your blood by having the light pass through your skin. This should give us pause, since a range of tech-based on color sensing is known to reproduce racial bias."…

Read 7 tweets
Now this is gaining traction !!
#HappyHypoxia .. a situation of low oxygen saturation on the blood, which is an early indicator of impending #COVID19 deterioration !! .. 1/n
Harian Metro, 27/5/2021…
An oxygen saturation of below 95% is an indicator of a need to seek further Rx.. if the #COVID19 Px is quarantined at home.. 2/n
Harian Metro, 27/5/2021…
Oxygen saturation levels easily measurable using a #pulseoximeter .. easily available at Pharmacies. In fact, currently it's a standard item for those who are under home quarantine for #COVID19 ..

Below is what United Sikhs Malaysia is doing !! .. 3/n
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📍#Oxygen Therapy in COVID-19

➡️15% of #COVID19 patients may have moderate disease; #Oxygen saturation level may go < 94%

➡️5% of #COVID patients may have severe disease where once O2 level goes < 90%

- Dr. Ravichandra, National Tuberculosis Institute

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Measuring O2 level with a #PulseOximeter

It measures the oxygen saturation or % of O2 in patient’s blood

A @WHO training manual says if oxygen saturation is 93% or lower, patient needs to be treated quickly

Saturation < 90% is a clinical emergency

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You can measure respiratory rate without any device

Respiratory rate = No. of breaths a person takes per minute

Keep your palm on your chest, measure your respiratory rate for 1 minute

< 24/min, O2 level is safe
> 30/min, O2 level is low


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Over the past week I’ve been getting so many calls from friends all over asking me to diagnose if they are #COVID infected. Honestly I’m no doctor but just an early test mule on the virus. My Q&A typically ranges as follows. I hope it helps some of you from needless paranoia.
1/n First thing to iron out is the difference between #regularflu Vs #COVIDflu. I’ve done some research and found this helpful table for you guys. 90% of you have just a regular flu owing to seasonal changes. Don’t panic ! However if you’re in the 10% read on.
2/n Assuming all your symptoms are #COVID in nature immediately #homequarantine in a separate room. Testing is hard to get by in #MaharashtraBachao #Delhi so don’t bother waiting for your turn. Begin treatment for novel Corona while taking care of not infecting others around
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