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Aug 4th 2019

If anyone is interested in join me in getting local groups/organizations together as well as yourselves (also if someone is in one of the local groups that will be a plus) follow my local group page here 👇
@HazSeattle or my Facebook group. Same name HazSeattle #EmpireResists. These are for useful information and events plus more. Now once I get a decent number of you joining thats including my Facebook group; I will be finding place where we all can get together and...
Get to know each other. Have an idea session of whats the best approach to doing an sustained mass march locally. Even if we do it one day a week. I've seen other states do it every weekend. Also we can organize together.. get others involved. Businesses.. things like that
Read 6 tweets
Nov 2nd 2017
Pull up a seat and grab a cup the Earl Grey is hot. It's time to talk about the people trying to hijack #TheResistance on Nov 4th.
@stormresist2017 @Alyssa_Milano @BadHombreNPS @BeSeriousUSA @AZ_Indivisible @jacksnowknows @CaptainsLog2017 @Guinan2017 We have an active threat facing our movement. They come under the disguise of #RefuseFascism and they want to poison our resistance.
@stormresist2017 @Alyssa_Milano @BadHombreNPS @BeSeriousUSA @AZ_Indivisible @jacksnowknows @CaptainsLog2017 @Guinan2017 They are sponsoring the Nov 4th marches. They don't have the cleanest track record either
Read 9 tweets
Nov 2nd 2017
Refuse Fascism's flyers and website CLAIM they want peaceful protest until Trump is out of office. Sounds harmless, until you look closely at who is behind this group. Hint: Nov. 4th is RUSSIA'S UNITY DAY. 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺 Thread 1 #ThursdayThoughts #GeeksResist #RefuseFascism
Refuse Fascism's flyers and website seem innocuous. That's intentional. The "Who Is Refuse Fascism?" page on their site has no reference to the Revolutionary Communist Party or RF founder Bob Avakian. 2 #BobAvakian #Nov4ItBegins #nov4thitbegins #Nov4
But this Refuse Fascism website post from July is an invitation to all who participated in RF's July 15th "event" to join with the Revolutionary Communist Party led by Bob Avakian. 3 #RCP #Avakian #Communism #revolution…
Read 9 tweets
Oct 12th 2017
#THREAD #ThereIsNoCivilWar #Antifa 1/ "What is actually happening on November 4? A protest is being launched by the activist group Refuse -
2/ Fascism, which is intended to stir a non-violent mass movement to remove Trump from office, according to Perry Hoberman, a professor at -
3/the University of Southern California who is a member of the group’s steering committee. The idea is to mobilize people to hit the streets
Read 22 tweets

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