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Jan 23rd 2022
Notes from my book: Receiving many messages, DM’s & emails over ‘safeguarding’. I have worked in this industry for 30 years. Safeguarding chapter: #MentalHeath professionals are human & make mistakes, because they are human. They are first & fore-mostly trained in #safeguarding
Their ethos is to ‘Do No Harm’. Most people don’t understand what this means. #Therapists & mental health professionals disagree on many issues. They are divided on what safeguarding means to them #Childsafety & #childprotection have always been fraught by #childsafety challenges
In 2015, I began raising #safeguarding concerns with My regulatory board & the #psychology organisations. These were serious concerns. Over those years, I was ignored, brushed off, #silenced or told it wasn’t a problem. The Australian Senate held an #inquiry into our regulatory
Read 25 tweets
Jan 22nd 2022
#Civil and intelligent conversation That involves #criticalthinking skills,self-regulation, #reflection, mutual respect respectful debate, direct conversation are #socialskills all research based Scientific evidence is highly encouraged here. I encourage this on my
Twitter feed to engage in civil #discourse
To #question everything, to be self-aware and insightful,
to allow open #transparent #ooen conversations & discourse free of denial, not listening, talking over others, not letting them finish their sentences, being angry and rageful.
These #behaviors do nothing to advance any cause. #Safeguarders & mediators are very important to the well-being of children miners and disabled adults. when it comes to #childsafety anyone who mocks child safety needs to seriously reflect and/or take A child safety course.
Read 15 tweets

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