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Jan 26th 2023

- 2ND POST - 26/37 -
#BESUMMIT #Altcoin #Crypto #100xgem #1000xgem #Blockchain #ETH #BTC Image
#blockchain will become a dominant sector of our economy and most of the revolution won’t even be noticeable in our everyday lives, but it’ll be there, everywhere. By offering quality and innovative solutions, #Saitama is simply exposed to a thriving and accelerating sector
(one day the 12th sector of the S&P) and that will bring strong tailwinds to the company…and the whole industry as a matter of fact

So, the race is on, many projects in #DeFi are playing catch-up to what #Saitama is doing (or claiming to do it – always easier to...
Read 13 tweets
Apr 2nd 2022
My in depth take on #Saitama!

"DYOR" right here on your twitter feed!

The main factors driving the project!
"Transparency and Community"

The team-Fully doxxed!
@Saitamaguru1 CEO -Operations
@ElonMansur CMO - Marketing
@kleingabriel CCO - Creative
@Ntran1234 COC - Community
@mannythehitman CFO - Finance
@MaxEquation CTO - Technology

Latest and greatest news!

Major shareholders in a CEX in India with a whole team of 270 people Inc. IT specialists and Developers.

Top tier Major Exchange listing: @okx
More Exchanges coming!

@SaitaRealty Launched
@LuckyRooToken waiting to launch exclusively on Saitamask.

Metaverse Project SaitaCity is in the plans!

Back to the elephant in the room "#Owoooo"

Certik Audited!…
Read 23 tweets
Dec 7th 2021
"watching the returns on my investment"- @LarryJuneTFM

#ImpactXP #Impactors #SaitamaWolfPack #saitama #Shiba Listen to Larry June - Financial Freedom Produced By Sledgren by Sledgren on #SoundCloud
"When this comes on the real (X)P's go crazy"- @LarryJuneTFM
#saitama #SaitamaWolfPack #ImpactXP #IMPACTors

Listen to The P (prod. Cookin Soul) by Larry June TFM on #SoundCloud
"Damn what's up with all this hate"- @DOPEITSDOM
Listen to Dom Kennedy - When I Come Around by Higher on #SoundCloud
Read 10 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
β€œVictorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.”- Sun Tzu

We won!!! Now we prepare
#saitama #SaitamaWolfPack
β€œMove not unless you see an advantage; use not your troops unless there is something to be gained; fight not unless the position is critical.”-Sun Tzu

We risked it all in a critical moment #Saitama #SaitamaWolfPack
β€œThus the expert in battle moves the enemy, and is not moved by him.”- Sun Tzu

I remained a loyal warrior and didn't engage back an forth.. I just ensure our warriors we had something worth fighting for #Saitama #SaitamaWolfPack
Read 32 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ he took the bait I told him I will link his conversation to prove my point anyways(remember I said crypto Noah was the only smart one out of them?? I was setting the trap) WE ARE THE PACK #SaitamaWolfPack #saitama #WolfCaster #SaitaMask Image
I haven't said a word or trolled or attacked FUD on his page..I knew what i was doing everything I've said I've said on my page AND I still didn't tag him πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ then I threw the Noah bait at him so he could follow Noah footsteps if he was dirty #ArrowsUp #saitama #SaitamaWolfPack
FUD Jjust bought some #saitama out of the blue to try to counter what he knew was coming....oh and now he trying to save saitama πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£ #DamageControl WE ARE THE PACK Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
incoming #saitama
I've already exposed the back doors and circles(I'm still not done)but we have other coins pretending to be friends but they are foe and use your kindness to stay around

Example FUD is one that keeps the glue intact of our attackers.exhibit A #FudFakeSupport
*incoming* #saitama #FudFakeSupport

I've told you over and over they only pretend to be cool with our coin holders to funnel them into other projects that they working on...if you read this tweet you would believe he's a ally to #saitama correct???
FUD seems like a good dude huh??? Yeah only when he realizes he is connected to other projects so he has to ATTEMPT to play nice for the sake of his projects.......pray yourself waay bruh #FudFakeSupport #saitama #SaitamaWolfPack
Read 12 tweets
Oct 25th 2021
I'm sure it's over 19,000,000 USDT the presale goal was 100,000 USDTπŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ #SaitamaWolfPack #SaitaMask #saitama
$24,108,160 damn
.....its gonna be wild in the morning
Read 4 tweets

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