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Jan 23rd 2021
Wow, y’all watching #inners ? FFS! #TraitorTrump is THE most corrupt politician EVER! Trump plotted w the head of the Civil division at DOJ Clark, concocted a plan to oust Acting AG Rosen in order to FORCE the GA DA to void the election & say Trump won! JFC! This was on Jan 3
3/Jeffrey Clark, had been devising ways to cast doubt on the election results & to bolster Trump’s continuing legal battles & the pressure on GA politicians. Bec Rosen had refused the president’s entreaties to carry out those plans, Trump was abt to decide whether to fire Rosen
Read 49 tweets
Mar 24th 2019
In the Weimar Republic, Hitler gained control by corrupting the judiciary. In Iran 🇮🇷 the corrupt leaders maintain control through a corrupt judiciary. Has @TheJusticeDept & Judiciary been hopelessly compromised by Trump, #WilliamBarr and @senatemajldr? #SaturdayNightMassacre
Is it too soon to say #WilliamBarr is the new Robert Bork? Agree with @MalcolmNance; @realDonaldTrump is worse than #BenedictArnold. And the @GOP co-signs... no revels in this treasonous attack on American democracy. For what? Money? Power? Hate? #SaturdayNightMassacre
In order to save American Democracy we must take the Senate in 2020. Period. If @senatemajldr maintains control, there may never be another election #Hitler #Mussolini End.
Read 3 tweets
Dec 15th 2017
THREAD: Do you feel it? Something shifting? Accelerating? This week I keep hearing @TimothyDSnyder in my head. #Tyranny is on the move.
1. This week, the FCC voted to end #NetNeutrality despite its popularity. This give away to ISP's is more concerning than the normal kleptocratic giveaways of this regime because it directly affects media and public discourse.
2. Of course, we all knew it was coming. I didn't even wait for the news yesterday because I knew. I knew from Pai's appointment and the sham call for comments that they hid & then hijacked. I knew when they dumped the news the wed. before thanksgiving. Yesterday was confirmation
Read 24 tweets

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