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Jun 17th 2020
"Shallow displays of solidarity... represent the insidious drive to gaslight us into apathy, to bury violence beneath a fleeting veil of showy concern."

"It’s the ultimate abusive relationship: the people and the state..."

by @ActivistEleanor… #protest
#DC cop wears a #facemask bearing the words, #ICantBreathe…still.”
Photo by @ActivistEleanor is an example of #StruggleTheater, where people in power are #Gaslighting us into feeling like will make systemic changes to #policing… #protests #PoliceBrutality Image
#BlackLivesMatter painted on the street means nothing when "DC’s newly proposed budget seeks a 3.3 percent increase in the #MPD budget, totaling $578 million plus $5 million for a new DC jail."…

#PoliceReform #PoliceBrutalityPandemic #PoliceBrutality Image
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