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Sep 2nd 2020
#Thread on scientificity of Ayurveda and why calling #Ayurveda a pseudoscience itself is unscientific & baseless

First let us understand what the motto of science/medicine w.r.t mankind should be.

Cc @Wikipedia

#SpeakUpVaidyas Image
The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts.
Going by the definitions of science coined by great modern scientists of our times, let's present the pointers on evidences in Ayurvedic texts that make it a far more superior science than the world knows. ImageImage
Modern Biology recognizes the cell as the basic unit of life, genes as the unit of heredity & evolution as the engine that propels the production & making of new species.

Ayurvedic biology, on the other hand, explains in-depth how the extrinsic factors affect the internal makeup Image
Read 18 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
1-Today is #Thursday – the day of #Jupiter.

#Jupiter is all about expansion,

..#Relationships, the #soul or the #Jeeva and #family and #Ayurveda. (1/25)
2-So, what does #Ayurveda say about man and woman coming together, producing children?

What are the healthy ways to do it?

In that spirit, we will discuss some bit of #Astrology as well as some bit of #Ayurveda. (2/25)
3-This also adds to #गर्भाधान and #Conception threads

..and the role #Astrology and #Ayurveda play in it

..what @shashankupadhy_ has been talking about (3/25)
Read 25 tweets
Jul 16th 2019
Ancient India was not purely religious. If You see main Hindu Scriptures like Vedas, Upnishad, and Samhita they are collection of philosophies, scientific data and facts. They worshipped nature and were experts in Science, astronomy, mathematics.
#Thread #IndicHistory
Just because the language is Sanskrit, Leftists reject it to be unscientific and religiously motivated.
In recent time ie last few hundred years, many distortion n misinterpretation has been done too and readers who don't know Sanskrit tend to believe it.
Let's dive in brief
#RigVeda: It's full of the geographical data about India. Research on Rig Veda have proven and can be further verified that Our Civilization was River based and most important one was Saraswati. We worshipped nature. eg Agni, Varun, Indra.
Read 17 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
#Sushruta is considered the "Father of Plastic Surgery." He lived in India sometime between 1000 and 800 BC, and is responsible for the advancement of medicine in ancient India.

#HistoryEncyclopedia #LegendsOfIndia ImageImageImage
Sushruta's teaching of anatomy, pathophysiology, and therapeutic strategies were of unparalleled luminosity, especially considering his time in the historical record. He is notably famous for nasal reconstruction.

#HistoryEncyclopedia #LegendsOfIndia
One of the earliest instances of plastic surgery can be found in the #SushrutaSamhita, commonly dated to the 6th century B.C., and is attributed to #Sushruta (meaning "very famous‟ in Sanskrit)

#HistoryEncyclopedia #LegendsOfIndia
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