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Feb 15th 2023
🧵5 Hey crypto traders, I've got a HOT🔥TAKE for you today. Sometimes it's easy to get bogged down in technical analysis and overthink. But right now, I think there's a simple play that could work well 🚀

#BTC #Bitcoin #trading #tradingstrategy #HODL #crypto #CryptoNews
1/5 I've been swinging almost any asset and working strictly from the long side as long as $BTC is above $21,600.

#crypto #tradingstrategy #takeprofits #bitcoin #hodl #BTC
2/5 I'm not paying attention to indicators, resistance levels, or other factors at the moment. Instead, I'm looking for strong levels and buying for a rebound or further growth. I've loaded up on long positions, with more than 20% of my portfolio at risk.

#crypto #BTC #trading
Read 6 tweets
Dec 3rd 2021
There's a lot of hype today around #DeFi 2.0

Can't expect degens to ignore 500,000+% #APY..

If you're considering investing in protocols like $OHM, $TIME, $KLIMA, $SPA, $HEC then read on for some #hopium, warnings and a #spreadsheet to help you make the most of it.. 🪡 👇
2/ These DeFi 2.0 protocols offer enormous APY (Sometimes in the millions of %). Here are the current APYs of some projects:

- $OHM - 6,982.4% ($ETH)
- $TIME - 78,325.2% ($AVAX)
- $KLIMA - 59,722% ($MATIC)
- $SPA - 239,674.5% ($FTM)
- $HEC - 320,713.2% ($FTM)

Sound juicy? 🧃 🤑
3/ Here's a great video by @WhiteboardCryp1:

And another by @finematics:

I won't get into the mechanics of these protocols here, but I want to share a spreadsheet I created to help you understand the upside / downside.
Read 14 tweets

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