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Dec 23rd 2022
Excerpt: "As you transform into more of a leader, you have managed to provoke and anger some of the people around you. Sometimes your pride gets in the way of your humility.
You are leaning a bit too much on your intellect and not taking into consideration the feelings of others as much as you should.
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Aug 12th 2022
something a little different for Friday:

after launching a couple shiny new #ebooks last week, we unwound with a pizza party and finally dove into a little #tarot adventure over on 🧵
we may have co-opted the original intent of the game/journal a bit, but we wanted to explore the prompts together

decided to unravel a back-and-forth story between our two decks 2/🧵
decks: split. suits: shuffled. nonfik app: logged on.

*deep breath*

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Jul 17th 2022
Air ° Signs #Aquarius #Gemini #Libra
◇intuitive & horoscope predictions◇

July 16th - 31st

☆ your soul is opening up to new and crazy possibilities in money & love atm b/c you're HEALING from the fucked shit. part of you never saw any of this coming, but you took a recent ⬇️
leap of faith to start over / start something new again.for some there's an incoming message or an email coordinating to the next major steps in your career & finances any day now. possibly a predictive horoscope or a message from your new boss / deal next week (THURS OR FRI) 😻
you have ended a cycle (generational curse) that haunted you from the past & you're definitely staying away from all energy that no longer serves you. i'm seeing the past come back to ask questions about your next move. there's a reason why they're meant to be left in the dust.
Read 14 tweets
Mar 1st 2021
Message 📩 for the 💦 bearers

Cancer ♋️, Scorpio ♏️, Pisces ♓️

I see you really using your discernment & logic rn. Head over heart, which is almost against your nature but in this situation it feels warranted. You’re trying to move forward & detach from a painful situation.—
Be gentile & patient with yourself when it comes to overcoming this. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, you are healing. I do see you gaining control of those emotions. & as soon as you do, here they come. Could be a fire or air sign. Some of you have a family with—
this person. & some it’s just been a long term commitment. Either way, they are definitely coming back offering you an apology & something serious. I really feel most of you are going to turn your back on this & continue to heal yourself. You’re wanting to just free—
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Mar 1st 2021
Message 📩 for the Fireflies ✨🔥

Aries ♈️, Leo ♌️, Sage ♐️

There seems to be a lot of confusion surrounding you. The confusion looks like it’s tied to another individual. Whether this is a lover or a friend. You’re confused about letting this person back in.—
For someone your intuition is telling you something isn’t right with this person but you just don’t have the physical proof. For others you’re waiting on communication from this person & the silence is driving you insane. Most of you want to move forward & heal from this—
situation. Others of you are really confused about giving this person another chance. Spirit says you already know what you should do. I also see that some of you are worried & stressed out about your money. Spirit says there’s no need, blessings are coming your way. You may be
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Feb 28th 2021
Message 📩 for the Earth Fairies 🧚

Taurus ♉️, Virgo ♍️, Capricorn ♑️

Okay.. Soooo someone from your past wants another chance. I see you trying to move on & find your own happiness but it’s like this person can’t stay away. They can’t help but want to follow you—
no matter where you are. The cause for the break up seems to be heartbreak & deception & someone not being able to move past this. This person does have DEEP feelings for you but you must use discernment. For those of you that are searching for your own happy ending, I see —
you thinking about learning or studying a new skill, or even going back to school. You should definitely take action & put in the work towards this . Because whatever this is, the universe is saying you have no freakin idea of how much—
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Feb 28th 2021
Week ahead Water signs: I see you speaking up about how you feel to a lover, no, nothing bad will happen, no chaos, no damage. Just release and do things with ease, let your angels handle the work, you don't need to be constantly trying to take control, this will slow down the+
New beginnings even more. Lose the facade/mask you have going on and be open about yourself/feelings etc, you may seem like they don't feel the same, but trust me, they do, they're just afraid to show it. I do see some justice being made here and you're definitely in your power.
Maybe some apologies, heart to heart conversation etc, I see someone coming out of Hermit mode eventually to speak up about how they feel too, I see good news coming your way. They may have taken some time to think things over, but this will turn out very well.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 28th 2021
Week ahead Earth signs: I see you're trying to figure out some sort of situation you're trapped in here, about a person and the future. I see you have your guard up about the future with this person, too scared to think about it because the energy is so strong with this person.
Try and be more open to it, because I see much happiness with them. Don't rush and don't force yourself, I see you may be trying to solve things with a more mature and controlled mindset. Stay hopeful, keep pulling through, because I see a great amount of love coming from this.
Though you're taking things slow this week and not rushing, I do see you going head first into this situation and giving it all your might and strength to get through it. I see you finding some type of growth/advancement here no matter how stubbron/resistant you've been.
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Feb 28th 2021
Week ahead Fire signs: You may be feeling a little unsure/unstable about a love connection in your life, someone here is refusing to approach something, which is preventing any movement forward. I see something very significant will occur possibly in the middle of the week.
That could help you get out of your head, this is a creative matter, you could be expressing how you feel. This will definitely balance out your emotions/energies, I also see you may have a bit of fear/anxiety for where this connection is going/what is approaching you.
You have a choice to take this offer of advancement/love, it is very valuable and precious. I see you with no hesitation taking this offer. I also see you trying to plan things out often here/how to approach things/what to do/what to say. Nevertheless, happiness and success will+
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Feb 28th 2021
Week ahead Air signs: Some type of success or reward will be handed to you in the beginning of the week, revolving around money/work/finances. I see get together and celebrations with friends, family and colleagues. Some may be getting employee of the month, promotion etc.
You've really been standing out among your peers, you're advancing to the next level. You've definitely grown and developed so much since you first started, there's so much potential and ambition within you that can take you far. Use it to your advantage, you never know where+
You might go. Don't be guarded if this attracts someone towards you romantically, I'm seeing a lot of joy, laughter and happiness in the near future, listen to what your intuition and higher self are telling you. Be open to receiving what the world is gifting you <3
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Feb 27th 2021
Career in March Air signs: I see you're still deciding which path to go down, it's right on the horizon amongst the many others. The path you take will lead to much success, just don't second guess yourself/have doubts, stay grounded and mature about this. It will bring much+
Emotional fulfillment and joy. Keep your emotions int act to, try not to put yourself down/compare yourself to others. You're moving into an amazing stage in your life and much will be coming towards you, a tower moment will begin. Don't let it damage your self esteem/capability.
You really need to find the strength during this time to help you get through this month, things may go slow but mini victories will be made along the way. Go to friends and family for help/advice, for some, many look up to you, set a good example and know/show your worth.
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Feb 26th 2021
Love in March Earth signs: You've finally found the balance that you've been juggling/looking for and this is making you to move forward even more with this connection. You may have had other people interested in you/you had other connections, but you're no longer putting in any+
Energy, time, effort etc into them, as you're now focusing on that one person, who eases your mind and calms your nerves. I see you've been in Hermit mode trying to access your thoughts on this person/connection, they affect you very much with their feminine energy.
I'm seeing you may end up telling your friends about this connection in March, this is a deeply rooted connection within you, it's divine, meant to be. Dont let your ego/pride get the best of you, give when you can give and trust in divine timing.
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Feb 26th 2021
Love in March Water signs: You're in a high feminine energy in March and you're trying to find balance with all aspects in life, especially love. You're not taking shit from anyone, you're setting boundaries and rules and you're growing so much from this.
If you feel weak, go to friends/family for advice and uplifting, I'm seeing you may start connecting with your person even more in March just out of nowhere, more communication and understanding on a deeper level. You two are mirroring energies in this month.
I'm seeing big things could happen in this connection during March as in the past/recently, no effort has been put in as they've been needing to release some burdens/toxic/negative energies. Though the effort will be put in during this month. Things will pick up pace and you'll+
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Feb 26th 2021
Love in March Air signs: I'm seeing a big heartbreak here, things haven't been going right for a while now and it's been emotionally draining and just no movement/progress at all, though I think this heartbreak is for the better. There's been so much conflict around this for a+
While now and it was just painfully slow to go through. I'm seeing maybe a past person showing up to help you get through this and heal you, you haven't thought about/seen this person in a while, but a lot of communication will be happening with this person.
You'll be connected on a deep level, jobs/work may be tied to this too. I see you gaining your power and energy back with this connection. This could even be someone who hurt you in the past, coming back to repair things or you could be looking back to not make the same mistakes.
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Feb 26th 2021
Love in March Fire signs: You've manifested so much happiness and better days to happen. This is exactly what's happening in the month of March, you can go into this month head first, fighting for what you want, the universe is completely guiding you and on your side.
Your intuition seems to be high and you're vibrating at high frequencies, don't be surprised if you get a lot of stares/turning heads. You may be into multiple people/stuck in love triangles, no negative energies will be surrounding your love life and your mental health seems to+
Be in check surrounding love. Many love offers/crushes will be aimed towards you. Though I'm seeing one specific person has the hots for you and wants you and only you, you've caught their eye and they're making it their mission to have your full attention. #tarot #tarotreader
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