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Oct 17th 2021
I read somewhere statement by @PawarSpeaks on #IndiraG & her death.

1: Pawar is frustrated with NO one asking him for anything except where is @AnilDeshmukhNCP?

2: He believed that as king of #Baramati he will still have his swag - he is cut short & agencies are too close

3: His Frustration - with change in Essential Commodities Amendment Act he cannot whip inflation to suit his need.

4: He believes #IndiraG was murdered by Farmers of #Punjab - कौन सा गाँजा फूंकते है यह 🧐

5: Does be mean that everyone in #Punjab is a murderer?


6: @narendramodi ensured that his daughter remains poor & is NOT able to grow Crores of out of flower pot.

7:In short - @PawarSpeaks is just another #IrrelevantSeekingRelevance

8: It’s just that #LongRope is keeping him away from #Tihar - can’t say about 👇🏼


Read 29 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
According to compounder fav @rautsanjay61 #Mumbai is all because #Thackeray and #Pawar brand!
What an insult to the hard-working, inclusive and entrepreneurship spirit of the financial capital of India. Mumbaikars go through hardships 2 make two ends meet as corruption rules
One political dynasty has ruled richest civic corporation in India for 3 decades, cartel of builders, contractors have ruled. Thackeray's became rich, city got ruined. Gen Next is already here, shutting people down for dissent.That's the brand ideology. FAMILY rule.
Brand Pawar is power in every sector - real estate, land, agri, cricket thanks to IAS lobby and supportive media. Every family member is sitting on crores. Dissent has no place, only ambition rules. Gen Next has been pushed. Power at any cost. That's the ideology
Read 5 tweets
May 31st 2019
🇮🇳 #Inde : investi aujourd'hui pour son deuxième mandat, @narendramodi souhaite mettre en place des réformes économiques et sociales qui feraient de lui le Reagan indien.…
🇮🇳 Cette focalisation sur les enjeux économiques et sociaux aux dépends des enjeux identitaires, si elle se confirme dans les mois à venir, pourrait créer des tensions au sein de la vaste famille des nationalistes hindous, le #SanghParivar. A suivre donc.
🇮🇳 Le nouveau cabinet de @narendramodi compte 58 membres. L'entrée la plus importante est celle de l'ancien dirigeant du @BJP4India @AmitShah au poste de ministre de l'Intérieur. Cet organisateur de génie a largement contribué aux victoires de #Modi.…
Read 146 tweets
Feb 7th 2019
I keep being asked what #Dickens would have made of #Brexit. Charles & Catherine Dickens took their family to live in #Genoa, #Italy for a year (in 1844-1845) – something Brits will no longer be able to do after 29 March. #travel
Before moving to #Italy, Charles #Dickens employed Antonio Gallenga, a political #refugee from #Parma who had migrated to #London, to teach him Italian. In #Brexit Britain, Gallenga would no longer be allowed to work legally.
#Dickens wrote a #travelogue about his year in #Italy. ‘Pictures from Italy’ details the family’s travels through #Europe to their new home in #Genoa, & Dickens' #travels around the country. In #Brexit Britain Dickens would no longer have the right to work in another EU country.
Read 12 tweets

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