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Jan 1st 2023
There shld never be threats against judges. But Judge Salas’ son was murdered at her home in 2020. Abortion providers faced increased assaults through 2020 and 2021. Election workers faced violent threats in 2020. Librarians are facing death threats.
Speaker Pelosi’s husband was nearly killed this year. Members of Congress, even the VP ran for their lives on Jan 6th. Judges have not been singularly targeted in this violent moment. And the response to protect the justices was swift & bipartisan.
While I always appreciate a remembrance of the circumstances surrounding the violence that marked the desegregation of Central HS in Little Rock, and the courageous judges who issued important decisions in civil rights cases despite threats of violence from white supremacists.
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Aug 30th 2020
#OnThisDay: August 30, 1967- Thurgood Marshall is confirmed as the first Black Supreme Court Justice. He also founded @NAACP_LDF in 1940. He successfully argued cases leading to the Brown v. Board of Education case and the desegregation of public schools.
#ThurgoodMarshall Image
We should also know about Charles Hamilton Houston, Marshall's mentor and a key architect of the legal strategy for challenging segregation. His philosophy: "The Negro lawyer must be trained as a social anticipate, guide, and interpret his group advancement." Image
The anniversary of Thurgood Marshall's confirmation to the Supreme Court hits different this year.
#ChadwickBoseman Image
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May 17th 2020
#OTD May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court decided Brown v. Board of Education.

Learn more about the case at:…

A project sponsored by the Historical Society and @StreetLawInc.

Thurgood Marshall argued Brown before the Supreme Court. His career as a civil rights lawyer for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund is explored in Making Civil Rights Law by Mark Tushnet.

#thurgoodmarshall Image
The Society’s 1998 Lecture Series focused on the Supreme Court and African American Rights. Those lectures appeared in the Journal of Supreme Court History, Volume 24, No. 2. Out of print but available as a PDF.

#thurgoodmarshall… Image
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Mar 20th 2020
Today, March 20, 2020, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund turns 80 years old. Founded in 1940 by a group of courageous & visionary Black lawyers, incl’g #ThurgoodMarshall, @NAACP_LDF sought to transform a country rife w/ racism & racial inequity w/out a blueprint or roadmap. #LDF80 1/5
In this time of turmoil, I can’t think of a better place to fight for the dignity of humanity & especially of Black ppl than @NAACP_LDF. Few advocacy orgs created by us & for us have endured this long. And, we’re committed to cont the fight for our future. Happy #LDF80! 2/5
I came to LDF as a @FriedFrank fellow in 2000. 20 yrs laters, I am proud to support @sifill_LDF in leading this distinctive legacy institution, home to legendary lawyers like #ConstanceBakerMotley #JackGreenberg and my personal heroes #ElaineJones and #TedShaw. #LDF80 3/5
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Mar 14th 2020
This project (which I attribute more to McConnell & the Federalist Society than to Trump)is designed to undo the legal framework advanced by civil & women’s rts litigators that powerfully transformed American democracy beginning in the mid-20th century.…
That is why we do not take it lighlty when so many of these nominees refused to say whether Brown v Bd was correctly decided. And this is why @NAACP_LDF attys continue to fight in the courts to affirm & advance the full promise of citizenship & opportunity for Black ppl.
Whatever the make-up of the judiciary, we will keep fighting. Without fear, with clear conviction, preparation & excellence. And w/the example of #ThurgoodMarshall #ConstanceBakerMotley #JackGreenberg & so many others always before us. @NAACP_LDF
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Oct 2nd 2019
With his team at @NAACP_LDF, #Marshall worked to create an America that didn't exist and for which there was no blueprint. And they created the concept of the "civil rights lawyer" - attorneys who fight to ensure that the rule of law protects those at the margins.
@NAACP_LDF As a Justice, he brought his experience as a civil rts atty & his intellect to bear on the most wrenching legal issues of the late 20th century. And he was unwavering in bringing the truth of how the law really works in the lives of Black people into the Supreme Court conference.
@NAACP_LDF As Justice White once remarked, "Thurgood could tell us the way it was." But more importantly Justice White wrote, Marshall, "would tell us things we knew but would rather forget." A legal giant. His example is ever before us. #ThurgoodMarshall
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Jun 3rd 2019
Thomas has been the most far-right extremist activist justice since his appointment by George H.W. Bush TWENTY EIGHT YEARS AGO to replace the brilliant jurist #ThurgoodMarshall. There is no one more extreme to replace him, so Trump is likely happy Thomas has no intent to leave.
Everyone who voted Trump or Trump proxy voted to put extremist justices like #ClarenceThomas, #NeilGorsuch and #BrettKavanaugh on the #SCOTUS and those of us who voted against fascism now face Trump for the next 30yrs, just as we have faced Thomas for 28 and likely 10 more.
There is no keener determinant of how elections have consequences than in the appointment of Supreme Court justices and federal judges. America will be living with the Trump courts for decades. D-E-C-A-D-E-S.
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Feb 4th 2019
Every day for the rest of the month we'll be bringing you a #FoldingChair #BlackHistoryMonth fact, celebrating a man or woman who created their own seat at the table.
#CreatingCommunityWhereverWeSit #BHM
Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm famously said “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair.” In 1968, Chisholm became the first black woman elected to Congress. She campaigned using the slogan "Unbought and Unbossed."
#BlackHistoryMonth #BHM
Psychiatrist Frantz Fanon was a foundational figure in postcolonial thought and decolonization struggles. His written works have become central in Africana philosophy, due to their commentary on anti-colonial cultures and national liberation.
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