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Apr 28th 2022
Recently I shared how I spent days developing a #cryptotrading strategy that failed. It was not the first one either.

But many asked for me to explain what I did and why it failed.

So here’s some insight into how I develop my #degen strategies.

If threads aren’t your thing, I actually wrote it out into a Medium article:…

But here’s the Cliff’s notes

First, it’s important to understand where I come from.

In a nutshell, I’m a marketer with a focus on behavioral economics.

Meaning, I recognize humans act in predictable ways. These behaviors can be identified in price charts.

Read 14 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
🧵 I have a sneaky feeling #TitanoForks are going to kickstart a micro cap frenzy on #METIS.

They’re ultra degen and I doubt they are sustainable. So I look at ones that are building with a longer term strategy/utility to optimize my odds.

Here are three to look at. 1/6
There’s @ares_finance $ARES that are building out a launchpad and #NFT and #Node layers on top of their base level #TITANOfork. The dev is very hard working and ships fast. Sub 500k market cap. 2/6
Then @gaia_fianance $GAIA. Hard working team also with interesting concepts around #NFT and $GNODES ideas. Docs state that they want to build a sustainable #DeFi product beyond their #TITANOfork. Let’s see. Also sub 500k market cap.… 3/6
Read 6 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
🧵 Snapshot of the @MetisDAO ecosystem. Digging deep into #METIS and like what I see. It's in it's formative stages but very promising. Here's some projects I'm exploring, broken down by category. Will be covering some of these in more detail in the coming weeks. $METIS 1/9
If you want to learn more about $METIS itself there's plenty of great threads out there breaking it down. I recommend this thread by @Plebonacci which gives some excellent detail. Now read on for the ecosystem plays!

♻️ DEX options:

Tethys @tethysfinance $TETHYS
Netswap @netswapofficial $NETT
Hermes @MaiaDAOMetis $HERMES

I've been using Tethys and Hermes which have both been a great experience to date. Pretty typical experience, just fast and with low fees. 3/9
Read 9 tweets

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