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Jan 9th 2023
1/ ich werde nie verstehen, warum viele #deutsche ein romantisches #russland-bild pflegen: der staat ist nicht nur kolonial, gewalttätig und autoritär regiert, sondern in weiten teilen ein armenhaus mit rückständigsten lebensbedingungen. ein thread mit einigen fakten. Image
2/ wer russland als tourist bereist, fährt meist ins “europäische” russland und sieht dort die grossen kulissen: #moskau und st. #petersburg. dort konzentrieren sich dort die ressourcen, denn wer in russland geschäftlich erfolgreich sein will, muss nahe an der macht sein.
3/ ich vermute, die touristen sehen die wolkenkratzer und restaurierten historischen gebäude und denken sich: ein staat, der so bauen und repräsentieren kann, muss unermesslich reich sein. sie sehen aber lediglich potemkin’sche dörfer. Image
Read 15 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
It's Day 276 of #Russia's full invasion of #Ukraine.
It's also Holodomor Memorial Day, commemorating those starved to death by Moscow's regime in the genocide of the 1930s.

This is the daily news thread with all the news, views and analysis on events around the illegal war...
Another fairly quiet night. Long range missile attacks by #Russia confined to outbursts every few days it seems, while artillery pounds the usual targets in southern and eastern #Ukraine

If you missed anything on Friday's news feed, scroll through here:

The #UK's daily update paints an increasingly desperate picture for #Russia.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
Read 23 tweets
Apr 24th 2022
Two months ago today the missiles started flying into all parts of #Ukraine, eight years after the original invasion in Crimea and east Ukraine.

It's Easter Day for Orthodox believers:
Shchaslyvoho Velykodnya🇺🇦

Day 60 of #PutinsWar on its peaceful neighbour, this is the daily🧵
Shamelessly, Putin went to church on Easter night, just hours after learning his troops had murdered 8 civilians in #Odesa as missiles struck residential buildings

Among the victims this 3 month old baby Kira, her mother Valeriia and grandmother Liudmila.
How many more must die?
One story I am keeping tabs on is the reported kidnapping in #Ukraine of a #Bulgaria diplomat.

The news is just being picked up on in the country after the mayor of #Melitopol announced that Russian soldiers had abducted Honorary Consul, Sergei Zhelev…
Read 49 tweets
Apr 23rd 2022
St George's 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Day in England, Day 59 in #Ukraine of the devastating war brought by #Russia.

Here's the daily thread with the most relevant news and analysis of the situation, updated in real time.
Starting with the territorial news and almost no change to the front lines anywhere in #Ukraine in the last 24 hours.

That is going to turn up the pressure on #Russia with Victory Day in just 16 days. It could lead to the invaders stretching themselves and taking too many risks
Attacks intensified around #Sloviansk as the #Donbas region remains the focal point of most fierce fighting.

Further south in #Donetsk region, just west of the city itself, the villages of Mar'inka and Novomykhailivka are bearing the brunt of Russian attacks and street warfare.
Read 51 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 58) - Comenzamos un día más nuestro #hilo diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania con este vídeo en el que la artillería ucraniana deja fuera de combate media docena de T-72 y un UR-77 de limpieza de minas cerca de #Mariinka.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 58) - En este otro, sin embargo, vemos el resultado de una emboscada a soldados ucranianos que se salda con varios capturados.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 58) - Una nueva entrega de "Mad Max" o alguna otra película distópica en versión "Z". Lo que hay debajo de tanta chapa y rejilla parece alguna versión de un Kamaz-5350. Image
Read 64 tweets
Apr 21st 2022
Day 57 of the war in #Ukraine

#Russia's merciless and totally illegal invasion continues

Welcome to the daily thread for Thursday.

#StandWithUkraine️ #StopRussia
#Mariupol' is still standing.
No response yet from #Russia on Ukraine's offer to exchange all those in Azovstal steel works (fighters and civilians) for Russian Prisoners of War.

Meanwhile the crazy TikTok-ing head of Chechnya has guaranteed that Mariupol will be Russian today.
Quick update on this which emerged last night.

#USA has also added that 14 Howitzers are now in #Ukraine hands - around 50 🇺🇦army personnel are currently being trained in Europe on how to operate the equipment.

Read 31 tweets

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