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Mar 24th 2021
Breaking: CCI calls for DG investigation into WhatsApp Privacy Policy

@CCI_India @WhatsApp #WhatsappPrivacy…
'take-it-or-leave-it’ nature of privacy policy and terms of service of WhatsApp and the information sharing stipulations mentioned therein, merit a detailed investigation 

@CCI_India #WhatsApp
"unreasonable data collection and sharing thereof, may grant competitive advantage to the dominant players and may result in exploitative as well as exclusionary effects": Competition Commission of India

@CCI_India #WhatsApp
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Jan 14th 2021
The Indian government may call #WhatsApp to explain why its new data privacy policy applies in #India but not in #Europe


By @jainrounak
@jainrounak #WhatsApp recently announced it is updating its terms of service and privacy policies from February 8. After coming under criticism from all sides, the #Facebook-owned company is now reportedly under the government’s scanner as well.

@jainrounak As part of the new policies, #WhatsApp will start sharing some data with Facebook and its affiliated companies. This move has sparked privacy concerns across the world as WhatsApp users will not be able to use the app without agreeing to the new terms.

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Jan 12th 2021
Private #WhatsApp group links were exposed on #Google search results allowing anyone who finds the link to join the groups & access details of members. The issue was fixed back in 2019 but now has surfaced again.…
#WhatsappPrivacy #privacy #privacyplease
The report by @rajaharia suggests that #WhatsApp groups that use links to allow users to enter, may once again be vulnerable to being found online, allowing anyone to join the group. The issue appears to have been resolved as of now.

The issue is not just with group invite links, but also with individual user account profiles. #URLs of people’s profiles can now be searched on #Google.
#privacy #privacymatters
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Jan 8th 2021
[Thread] the new WHATSAPP Update is Scary.
it all started when @Apple focused on more user privacy’s. Apple is going to introduce App Tracking Transparency in iOS 14 which allow users not to share their any kind of data with any app. When it comes to Facebook, ad behaviour is very common example.
there’s a WAR going on between two big tech giants. #Apple and #Facebook company. On 4th January 2021 #WhatsApp got a new privacy update which may force you to quit this application.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 7th 2021
WhatsAppla நேத்துல இருந்து கீழ் photola உள்ளது போல நிறைய பேருக்கு வந்துருக்கு நம்மலும் Agree கொடுத்து உள்ள பொய் இருப்போம் அது என்னனு கூட படிக்கமா அதை பத்தி இந்த Thread la பாப்போம்..
Whastapp அவங்களோட TERMS AND CONDITIONS கொஞ்சம் CHANGE பண்ணிற்காங்க அதுதான் நாமே நேத்து அல்லது
இன்னைக்கு நீங்க துங்கி எழுந்தோன WHATSAPP open பண்ணி இருப்பிங்க உங்க screen ல oru photo வந்திருக்கும் அத நீங்க AGREE பன்னதான் நீங்க வாட்ஸ்அப் use பண்ண முடியும் அதுவும் Feb 8 குள்ள.,நிறைய பேரு Normala Agree கொடுத்து இருப்போம் சில பேரு அத disagree கொடுத்து இருப்போம் என்னனேனு
கொஞ்சம் தெரிஞ்சுக்கலாம்னு அந்த Terms and conditons என்னன்னே பாப்போம் முதல விசியம் என்னாண்ட whatsappla நம்மளோட information எல்லாத்தையும் facebook மற்றும் அவங்களோட Companies எல்லாத்தொடையும் Share பண்ண போறத சொல்லிருக்காங்க,secondly whatsappla ஏதாவது ஒரு feature நம்ம use pannanumna
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