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Jan 13th 2020
Elizabeth #Warren has just proven she cannot unify the Democratic party.

For those not aware, she attacked Senator #Sanders directly today by reviving smears from the 2016 primary and recast herself in the performative victim role of Hillary Clinton that we all found so

very endearing. This is the first time either Warren or Sanders attacked each other directly and given the desperation one might expect with her declining numbers, it was Warren who launched the grenade. She used an unverified and heavily disputed report of a lower level
volunteer canvassing script that distinguished her GE electoral coalition as "affluent and highly educated" to claim that Bernie was sending volunteers to "trash" her. Quite a stretch. She then launched into a nervously delivered pathetic 2-minute long monologue
Read 18 tweets
Jun 16th 2019
#ElizabethWarren's bill reminds me of Romney's advice to youths in 4/2012, "Borrow money, if you have to, from your parents. Start a business... [Jimmy John Liautaud] borrowed $20K from his dad..."

The loan was c. 7/82 and was actually $25K.
$25K in 7/82 = $59K in 4/12
In the first half of 2019, the nat'l average #rent increased by 2.6%.…
Warren declined to be interviewed for this story. In May, at request of media, her campaign released a summary of her outside work. As a senatorial candidate, Warren released a shorter version, which omitted her work for Dow Chemical.

Read 23 tweets

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