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Jan 31st 2022
Very interesting data unveiled by the #WallStreetJournal, provided by @AntennaData.
To this day, ##WonderWoman1984, #Hamilton & #Greyhound still hold the records of spikes in daily new subscriptions for #HBOMax, #DisneyPlus & #AppleTVPlus, respectively.
But the data provided by #Antenna to the #WSJ also revealed an inconvenient truth: The Phantom menace of Churn is real. Almost 50% or more of the original subscribers of movies like #WW84 and #Hamilton are gone after 6 months in a streaming service.
The data provided by #Antenna also show how big series such as #Netflix #BigMouth or #Hulu’s #HandmaidsTale although not attracting as many subscriptions as big films, do a slightly better job in retaining most of subscribers attracted during weekend of release for longer.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
Always watch the use of qualifiers like "complicated by" or "a desire to" in business-press answers, especially from movie and TV executives for whom "this was mentioned in a meeting by someone" is worth priceless face-saving P.R. cover day to day.
WB has been (and continues to be!) using "We ARENT forcing filmmakers to over-coordinated because Multiverse!" as a DC projects' selling point vs Disney/Marvel; they're doing two Batman and multiple Joker actors, etc - two Darkseids (one from a canceled directors cut)...
...would've been a non-issue and non-story. But obviously it's something that would've "COME UP" just in logistics, and now gossip-minded extrapolators on either end can imagine a scenario where their preferred version was getting "fought for" in some fashion.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 16th 2021
Here we go... 😊
1hr in.
I'm bored.
I'm so very bored.
OK, @cinemasins, I'm going to need you to destroy this one.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 31st 2020
It’s time to post my top 20 films of 2020 and top 20 tv shows of 2020!
As usual, I need to have seen it, it was released in 2020 in the UK and it is just my opinion. If you disagree, please tell me about your choices, I’d love to know!
#FilmsOf2020 #TVShowsOf2020
One thing to note, that is different this year, due to Tier 4 restrictions in London, I am going to make #WonderWoman1984 eligible for next year’s list (2021). I am classing it’s release date as 13 January 2021.
10. Ted Lasso
A real surprise and a gem of a comedy.

9. The Stranger
A bizarre Netflix mystery drama. Captivating watch.

8. The Twilight Zone
A brilliant reprisal of the old series. Such great, mysterious stories and incredibly entertaining.
Read 29 tweets
Dec 28th 2020
I guess I'm gonna watch Wonder Woman 1984 now.
The music during the opening credits makes it sound like a Christmas movie.
Kid Wonder Woman goes to some arena where all the Amazonians are doing tricks and shit, but they're all doing different things at the same time, so it's like if you went to the Olympics and every game was happening at once.
Read 117 tweets
Dec 21st 2020
بإيرادات متدنية.. #WonderWoman تفشل في مواجهة كورونا

تستطيع شخصية ديانا برنس في فيلم «المرأة الخارقة 1984» (وندر وومان 1984) التفوق على خصومها.. لكنها ليست نداً لجائحة عالمية.

فقد حقق الفيلم مع عرضه بالصين في نهاية الأسبوع إيرادات متدنية نسبياً بلغت 18.8 مليون دولار. ImageImage
الإيرادات متدنية مقارنة بـ38 مليون دولار حققها الجزء الأول في بداية عرضه في الصين خلال نفس الفترة، ما يشير إلى أن الجزء الثاني لن يحقق الإيرادات التي حققها سلفه طوال فترة عرضه بالصين وهي 90.5 مليون دولار. Image
والصين واحدة من أسواق دور العرض السينمائي القليلة التي شهدت مؤشرات على بدء عودة النشاط خلال الكارثة الصحية. لكن الإيرادات في جميع أنحاء البلاد لا تزال أقل بنسبة 30%. Image
Read 6 tweets
Dec 16th 2020

#WonderWoman #drivein

Read 8 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
This weekend, DC unleashed a SLEW of teasers and trailers for its upcoming films. Let’s go through just some of them. First, one of the biggest: #WonderWoman1984 1/
Next up: #TheBatman. The newest Caped Crusader movie, starring Robert Pattinson, features Zoë Kravitz as Catwoman and Colin Farrell as the Penguin (trust us, it's him; he’s just behind a lot of makeup)—and it looks like a lot of fun. 2/
DC also showed off a few teasers for #TheSuicideSquad... 3/
Read 5 tweets
May 28th 2020
#KarunaKumar's #Palasa1978 is made with a lot of conviction. The detailing of Slang & Language used and groundedness aspect of the movie is something that needs to be lauded. Very good Music & good Direction supported by very good performances. Powerful ending. Do watch.

7/10⭐️ Image
#ChintuKaBirthday is just fine. It has its moments. The trailer looked very promising, but the film did not have much to offer. Few decisions look forced & the "emotional punch" the makers were aiming at did not land for me. Nevertheless, makes for a good family watch.

6/10⭐️ Image
#ArunKarthick's #Nasir breaks your heart so quickly, you'll take a lot of time to recover. Beautifully shot and edited, the film will resonate with you for sure. It only takes a second for things to go out of hands and Arun pulls that off with such perfection. Must watch.

8/10⭐️ Image
Read 83 tweets
Jan 19th 2019
In this interview, Mr. Emmerich says that WB’s takeaway from #Aquaman success is returning to the original #DCEU plan: one movie at time more focused on its director creative vision, and less focused in a shared universe plan. No, he didn’t say the shared universe is over. PT1/4
What he did meant is that, in their shared universe, the movie and director individualities come first from now onwards, differing from MCU shared universe, where movies and directors are only team players focused in a shared plan over their own creativity. PT2/4
That was the original plan when the DCEU was announced, but quickly forgotten when WB executives wanted to implement Marvel model plan after it had already started, originating the chaos we all know, with directors quitting, being fired and projects cancelled/badly changed. PT3/4
Read 4 tweets

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