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Sep 20, 2020, 23 tweets

#Thread: #VeerSavarkar - From the eyes of #MahatmaGandhi, #NetajiBose #IndiraGandhi & #Communists.

#Swantantryaveer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, popularly known as Veer Savarkar was an Indian patriot, independence activist, poet, writer and a social revolutionary.


Post 2014, several allegations were made to malign the image of #VeerSavarkar.

Despite the availability of several documents in the public domain, some people chose to believe the blatant lies spread about him by #Communists/#Islamists and vicious politicians.


In this thread, let us try to understand #Savarkar through the eyes of some eminent and revered personalities throughout India.

🔸#MahatmaGandhi: Contrary to popular perceptions, #Gandhi was not at loggerheads with Savarkar.


Gandhi was a vocal votary of getting both the #Savarkar brothers released immediately.

He was all praise for their sacrifice and spirit of nationalism.

On 26th May 1920, Mahatma #Gandhi wrote an article in his magazine ’Young India’.


In this article, Gandhi advocated the immediate release of the Savarkar brothers from the #CellularJail at Andaman.

Gandhi lauded the patriotism of the Savarkar brothers. He also went on to call #VeerSavarkar ‘a great son of Mother #India’.


On 1st March 1927, #MahatmaGandhi visited #VeerSavarkar, who wasn’t keeping well at the time, to enquire about his health.

Mahadev Desai, an associate of Gandhi, offered an interesting account of this meeting in his ‘Weekly Letter’ in #YoungIndia on 17th March 1927.


On 25th February 1933, Gandhi wrote a letter to M R Jayakar in which he recalled Veer Savarkar’s social work in #Ratnagiri.

Unfortunately, #VeerSavarkar’s efforts to abolish the caste hierarchy and uplift the marginalised sections of the society have gone unnoticed.


On 22nd March 1945, #MahatmaGandhi wrote a letter to #VeerSavarkar, offering condolences on the death of the latter’s elder brother, Ganesh Savarkar.

In this letter, #Gandhi referred to him as ‘bhai’.


There is no doubt that Gandhi and Savarkar followed different ideologies.

But the above mentioned communication is quite enough to prove that Gandhi & Savarkar, despite being ideological opponents, didn’t hate each other.


🔸Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose:

On 21st June 1940, #Netaji met Veer Savarkar at the latter’s residence in Dadar, #Mumbai. The main agenda of this meeting was to explore the possibilities of co-operation between #ForwardBlock and #HinduMahasabha.


The meeting is said to have changed Netaji’s course of action. Savarkar advised #Bose not to waste time in agitating for the removal of British statues like Holwell Monument in Calcutta - only to end up in a #British prison during the invaluable war-time.


Savarkar was surreptitiously in touch with Ras Behari Bose in #Japan. He advocated that Subhas should smuggle himself out of the country and try to reach Germany and Japan (like Indian revolutionaries during World War I) to raise an Indian Army of liberation out of PoWs.


From this👇🏼, it is quite clear that #VeerSavarkar and #NetajiSubhasChandraBose respected each other.


🔸Indira Gandhi:

#RahulGandhi has not left one chance to malign Veer Savarkar’s legacy. The current #INC too supports his stand. It is obvious that #Congress doesn’t believes in anything #MahatmaGandhi stood for but is also ready to give up on #IndiraGandhi.


#Savarkar passed away on 26th February, 1966. In her eulogy, Indira described Savarkar’s name a byword for ‘daring and patriotism’.

She also released a commemorative stamp in his honour in 1970.

In another letter written to Mr.Bakhle on 20th May, 1980...


...Indira Gandhi went on to call #VeerSavarkar a ‘remarkable son of India’. Indira had even donated ₹11,000 from her personal account to #SavarkarTrust.

Indira Gandhi’s actions are quite enough to prove her respect for #VeerSavarkar.


🔸Other #IndianNationalCongress Leaders:

Dr.S.Radhakrishnan asked students to emulate patriotism of Savarkar.

Sushil Kumar Shinde praised Savarkar in 2004 after MNA antics because he knew Savarkar has cross party appeal in #Maharashtra.
He called #Savarkar ‘our’ hero.



Now, this is interesting. We’ve recently seen several Communist scumbags maligning Veer Savarkar’s image. All these knuckleheads must read some ‘genuine’ history about the relationship of #VeerSavarkar with Communists.


Two days after Savarkar’s death, distinguished #CPI parliamentarian Hiren Mukherjee rose in the #LokSabha after question hour to suggest that the House pay homage to #Savarkar in recognition
of his services to the nation.


Two founding members of the #CommunistPartyofIndia - Comrade MN Roy and SA Dange had genuine respect for Veer Savarkar.

MN Roy’s appreciation for #SwatantryaveerSavarkar is quite clear from this👇🏼


#CPI leader S.A. Dange went on to call #VeerSavarkar "one of the great anti-imperialist revolutionaries".

So, if any #Communist/#Islamist/#Congressi tries to insult #VeerSavarkar, give them a ‘befitting reply’.

‘NO ONE’ can ever question #Savarkar’s patriotism.


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