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I wander to and fro when I attempt these problems, and do not remain consistent with myself. —Socrates Justice is prior to efficiency. —John Rawls

Nov 24, 2021, 121 tweets

The Germans and Japanese both looted and plundered in WW2. Both got liquid assets out of their countries into neutral banks and industries before wars end. This cold calculation is banal and rational. Bormann arranged it for Germany. Why anyone would doubt that Bormann survived?

Remember, when you hear news of governments making decisions which make no sense and only make things worse:

The engineer intends to wreck the train.

To understand and make sense of the present, study the past. #History

“The agreement pleased the Allies but failed to dent the Bormann-sponsored hidden investment program in Sweden. The binding ties of marriage, finance, and investment between Sweden and Germany were stronger than ever,

and with peace would come a lessening of Allied probing into German financial and business manipulations” —Paul Manning, Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile

Strange bedfellows? Perhaps, but we have seen it before. The underground Nazis rarely show their faces. They work behind the scenes, their puppets in the spotlight. Happy to use the mostly fascist CCP if it achieves their goals—they too will be thrown under the bus

From Paul Manning’s heroic work, there is perhaps no better paragraph. In order to understand how the Nazis went underground, survived, flourished, and gain ground even today, read this:

“In the formerly occupied countries, when ownership of a corporation was turned over to an appointee it was a legal fact, but there was simultaneously the handshake and the oral understanding that within five years ownership would revert to the German.” ibid.

John Pehle and Orvis Schmidt of Foreign Funds Control: they tried to warn us.

Schmidt testifying to US Senate:

“The danger does not lie so much in the fact that the German industrial giants have honeycombed the neutrals [..] but that many of these branches, subsidiaries, and affiliates in the neutrals and much of the cash, patents, contracts and so forth,

are ostensibly owned through the medium of secret numbered accounts or rubric accounts, trusts, loans, holding companies, bearer shares, & the like by dummy persons and companies claiming neutral nationality & all the alleged protection & privileges arising from such identities.”

“The German fifth column in S. America was far-reaching and effective, and when the war ended in Europe agents and station chiefs were instructed to stay in position and await further orders. They were to continue in their commercial careers as cover for the work

they would be called on to perform: assistance to the 10,000 veterans of the SS who would need relocation help as they poured into Buenos Aires and fanned out to carious nearby countries” —Paul Manning, Martin Bormann Nazi in Exile

So our boys died in droves but U.S. CIC wouldn’t assign men to arrest and interrogate a few bankers for intel? Typical.

Hard to find a more concise summary of current events.

If this 4th Reich stuff seems too out there, I suggest this post and listening to side 1.

Spitfire List @SpitfireList | FTR #768 What the Hell Does Dave Emory Mean by "Underground Reich?" Part 1: The Naumann Coup Attempt of 1953 spitfirelist.com/for-the-record…

Richard Nixon institutionalized Dulles’s Nazis in the Republican National Committee.

Brutal truths from Loftus and Aarons about our republic. #DeepState

“The idea that there are Nazis in our government is preposterous”, they said.

Still think that Communism is the only threat? ICYMI:
US & Ukraine at UN Refuse to Condemn Nazism at UN

'Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.'




“Technical Emergency Service” #Nazis #fascism

The spread of Nazism.

Reinhard Gehlen rides hard into West Germany

The Nazi roots of Roosevelt hatred in the US.

Up to 20,000 war criminals roaming free in Germany.

The German government paid pensions to Nazis but refused to pay compensations to victims of Nazi persecution.

Forgotten history: There were Nazi agents in the US prior to WW2. Among other activities they tried to keep the US out of the war to increase Germany’s chances. In the ironically titled ‘Social Justice’ a fascist weekly of the day, one of Hitler’s agents was writing.

I think there is no better summary of Nazi infiltration and the ongoing threat of fascism, under many guises, than this excerpt from John Roy Carlson’s 1943 book “Under Cover: My four years in the Nazi Underworld of America”

America’s Nazi Secret

It’s not “the left”, “the socialists”, nor “the communists” that are doing all of this. It’s the fascists, crypto-Nazis, and Nazis in the National Security Establishment who want you to slide ever far more towards fascist thinking. Don’t take the bait.


Nazi ‘crisis actors’ in the United States pre-WW2. No kidding.

All roads lead to Martin Bormann.

The importance of this episode of Mae Brussell’s Dialogue Conspiracy cannot be stressed enough. #JFK #Nazis #Bormann #Dulles #CIA



The Axis Way.
The Democratic Way.

Nothing but a spoils system. This sounds familiar. #fascism



American fascist, Allen Dulles Director of Central Intelligence, talking about doing fascist things at a National Security Council meeting in 1961.

Our eventual demise—seems closer than ever. #fascism



Short thread on #WW2 #ColdWar #Russia 🧵

An upcoming thread will be drawn from this 1948 book by Joachim Joesten. Note that this book was published before many documents were declassified regarding Allied bombing targets and the sparing of industry.

NEVER underestimate the ability of business interests to camouflage themselves as government officials.

NEVER underestimate their ability to sabotage efforts towards socialization.

NEVER underestimate their motivation to do these things.

Mae Brussell speaking the truth in 1972 about the way our country works. #conspiracy #corruption #oil #war #fascism



Mae and Phil speaking about the greatest threat to the United States in 1972. Still true. #credulity #fascism



“After four years in the Nazi underworld, I’ve summarized Hitler’s program for the subversion of our Democracy” —John Roy Carlson, Under Cover

Ex-LAPD agent provocateur Louis Tackwood joins Mae and talks about real conspiracies.



From Armies of Spies by Joseph Gollomb

Hitler’s spy service, progenitor of our intelligence service. 1/5

From Armies of Spies by Joseph Gollomb

Hitler’s spy service, progenitor of our intelligence service. 2/5

From Armies of Spies by Joseph Gollomb

Hitler’s spy service, progenitor of our intelligence service. 3/5

From Armies of Spies by Joseph Gollomb

Hitler’s spy service, progenitor of our intelligence service. 4/5

From Armies of Spies by Joseph Gollomb

Hitler’s spy service, progenitor of our intelligence service. 5/5

Mae Brussell describes how the hidden fascist government makes moves to prevent Congress from interfering with their operations. #Watergate #conspiracy



“50% of all the registered Democrats are Republican espionage spies”. Mae Brussell tears Democrats a new one.



Mae Brussell describes how the intelligence/national security secret government retains control. In 1973. #fascism #conspiracy



The fevers that foreign spies are spreading on our continent. [not so foreign anymore]

What would you do if you were in her shoes?

Termites soften things up and torpedoes smash, but torpedoes are the more deadly espionage agents.

Please read this. It’s a coup blueprint of Hitler’s that’s been used over and over.

The Iron Guard, a Hitler-funded and controlled group in Romania, targeted King Carol’s mistress, Magda Lupescu, who was Jewish. She was a fighter. It did not end well for them.

Japanese spy chief Doihara’s pattern should be learned and recognizable by all.

German plans from the 1930s.

It’s one thing that the public is brainwashed; another that covert operatives are so brainwashed they don’t realize that their illegal acts mean they basically work for bank robbers; still more alarming that presidents and their advisers are brainwashed.

Case in point: Eisenhower should have disclosed the treason, had Dulles and co put behind bars and shut down all covert ops. Instead, he was brainwashed into thinking taking personal responsibility was the best move. He was naïve and wrong.

How the game is played. #CIA

Explanation? Paging Martin Bormann.

You'd have to be a special kind of stupid not to have grave doubts about the government line on the JFK assassination, especially after listening to this. #JFK #conspiracy



Two roads diverged in a wood, and We—
We stepped in a big pile of manure. #CIA

It’s best to keep paranoid alcoholics away from foreign policy.

Who allowed these things to happen? Anatomy of Assassination. #JFK #conspiracy



The most important thing you can do to fight the powers that be is to think critically, ask questions, not accept absurd explanations, and when most difficult to do so—as Terence McKenna said—stand up and say: Bullshit!

And who might this secret team be? Who is so hell bent on destroying “communism” and on dominating the world?

#fascism #Nazis #fourthreich #4threich


The show Rubicon was canceled after just one season. Why? Who hides in plain sight?

"We must protect our feelings, and separate them from these contradictions between what is imminent death and what might become creative life. Our only hope is to become aware of how we are being manipulated, and by whom."
-Mae Brussell, 11 July 1974


"One of the greatest nonelective, nonruling power forces of all time is this anti-Communist fanatic group, which rips through to the very heart and soul of the nation, playing upon fear and ignorance for its own selfish and in many cases ignorant, fear-crazed interests."

"It would lead an observer, at least one who was very close to the inside activity, almost to believe that there is a great force somewhere that does not want to see a peace crusade succeed; or, to put it in active terms, that wants to promote professional anti-Communism"

Fletcher Prouty's JFK book

Marginalize dissent through mass programming.



How could this SS man become the most powerful figure in the employers' federation?



Who saw communists under every rock in WW2? The Nazis.

Who saw communists under every rock after WW2? The United States. 🤔

In which the CIA trains police forces in the US at the behest of the Ford Foundation. #CIA #Nazis


Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco

The biggest terrorist threat to the US and the World is the CIA-"a US government agency created by absorbing tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals"-and its proxies. Its Byzantine tentacles stretch across the globe.


The plan of General Wilhelm von Faupel. Appointed by Hitler as chief of Ibero-American Institute of Berlin in 1934.

From FALANGE, The Axis Secret Army in the Americas by Allan Chase (1943)




From, "The Nazis Go Underground", by Curt Reiss, 1944.

The underground Nazis prepare for WW3.

Himmler, Bormann, and Hierl plan for taking the party underground. Himmler studies underground movements, Trotsky.

Before the World Economic Forum there was the German World Economic Society.

"It seemed, in short, that everyone who had helped us to land was being punished, while everyone who had worked against us was being encouraged."

Conspiracy to get German money out of Europe to Africa and betray those who helped the US forces.

Nazi games.

Key to understanding the development of the Nazi underground.

Nazis infiltrate and ‘play dead’ while waiting for the right time to take action.

From the film, “Nazis in the CIA” which features the great Christopher Simpson.

From Orson Welles’ The Stranger (1946). The Nazis have returned after having hid in plain sight.

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