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George Orwell ➡️ The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes & ears. It was their final, most essential command. Geen ❤️ maar RT ! - Xshadowban

Dec 19, 2021, 18 tweets

#SwissPolicyResearch (#SPR), founded in 2016, an independent nonprofit research group.
#mRNAvaccines ⬇️


Successes and Controversies…

A. Documentaries about the success of vaccines

B. Documentaries about #vaccinesafety concerns
#Vaxxed1 #Vaxxed2

Dr. #VernonColeman

How Many People Are the #CoronaVaccines Killing ?…

Please help save lives and send this important article to #hospitals, #doctors' surgeries, #carehomes, #schools, #newspapers, #journalists.


The #Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good

#Pfizer fooled politicians & misled the public.
People have been lied to, injected with experimental jabs, seriously injured & in many cases buried due criminal actions.

Absolute risk reduction/ARR (difference between attack rates with & without a shot):
1·3% for the #AstraZeneca #Vaxzevria
1·2% for the #Moderna
1·2% for the #JohnsonandJohnson #Janssen
0·93% for the #Gamaleya
0·84% for the #Pfizer #Comirnaty…

According to the latest #Denmark reports, being #UNvaccinated makes one much LESS likely to get #Omicron, than being #vaccinated.

The “no-vax” is protective, and “vax” invites disease.…

#SellingSickness :

#BigPharma and disease mongering…

A lot of money can be made from healthy people who believe they are sick. Pharmaceutical companies sponsor diseases and promote them to prescribers and consumers.

Finally !

Medical Proof the #CovidJab is 'Murder'.

Dr. #VernonColeman
Nov. 22, 2021…

Source is the
journal "Circulation"
Nov 16 2021
vol 144 issue suppl_1…

#mRNAvaccines #CoronaVaccines

Do you think they can produce a #coronavaccine in a few months?

The complexity and cost of #vaccine manufacturing – An overview…

#mRNAvaccines #vaccines


Brief aan #Lareb
d.d. 22 december 2021

Onderstaand treft u ons schrijven aan mevrouw #AgnesKant, directrice van het Bijwerkingencentrum @Lareb_NL aan.

N.a.v. het artikel van de #NOS van vandaag, 22 december 2021.…


tot 21-12-2021 ⬇️

#VaccinatieSchade, #VaccinatieDOOD door #CoronaVaccins

#Moderna #Jansen/ #JohnsonAndJohnson

Duidelijke uitleg + powerpoint te downloaden.
Steeds meer slachtoffers,
zeg NEE tegen deze gevaarlijke injecties !…

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