Mickel Adzema Profile picture
#TruthWarriors Pre/Perinatal Psychologist, Psychological Anthropologist, Psychohistorian, Transpersonal Psychologist, Author 15 books at https://t.co/QFW1dDPXcb

Jun 10, 2023, 149 tweets

This is a threaded version of Chapter 23, titled,

“Prenatal Politics, Generationally Speaking”

of the book, *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #psychology

PA 23/1

Chapter 23 is subtitled...

“Panicky Electorate, Biting the Feeding Hand,

“Perinatally Oblivious Right-Wing “Hate Groups,” the Tea Party, & the Fifties Generation...

“Perinatal Access of Millennials”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/2

“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Can anyone at this point still maintain that the politics of the last few decades had anything at all to do with ideology or issues?” []

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie

PA 23/3

[] “…without exception right-wingers’ reasons for rising up against the government—representing the overwhelming womb—has to do with frustrations, like the trapped fetus feels,..” []

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennial

PA 23/4

[] [right-wingers’ rage has to do w frustration, like a trapped fetus] in regard to ‘oppressive’ taxes, govt red tape, laws, & other regulations they feel restrict thr freedom...to move freely, as one wanted to but couldn’t, in the womb.” []

wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #FBR

PA 23/5

[] “We experience compression (oppression), & frustration at our attempts to go forward, & what feels like hopeless unfairness & injustice, when in the throes of BPM II birth trauma.” []

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/6

[] “To see these facets of the fates of minorities, as in racism, or gender or sexual bias, points to this Millennial Generation’s closeness to their own perinatal oppression; hence their ability to empathize with oppressed minorities.” []

->… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #

PA 23/7

[*Chapter 23 text begins:*] “More recently these Baby-Boomers came into the *triumphant phase* of their lives.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations #60s #collusion #Russia #birth

PA 23/8

“[Baby-Boomers] make up the largest sector of the electorate, & their influence is reflected more as they have assumed positions of power in the media & elsewhere.”

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PA 23/9

“*The Angry Electorate & Boomers*

“Yet [Boomer] influence has been diffused & confused because of the anger of some of them.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations #60s #collusion

PA 23/10

“[Boomers’] irrational rage—combined w the reactionary consciousness of the 50s Gen, many of 50s Gen children of Yuppies-Gen Xers, & remaining WWII folks—has most often skewed election results against the Boomers interests & thr true desires.”


PA 23/11

“Although not the majority of Boomers, enough of them expressed their rage in an irrational way to swing election results in favor of the other side.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/12

“We saw [the consequences of Boomer rage] in the presidential election of 2016 in a clear way, for even some progressives & liberals aided the installation of Donald Trump.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/13

“[Progressives & liberals aided Trump’s election] by staying home from voting, out of anger at a perceived unfairness by the Clinton campaign against the Sanders campaign during the primaries;”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/14

“and, perhaps even more damning for progressives, “[progressives & liberals were crucial to Trump’s election in 2016] because of a massive internet avalanche of fake news [mostly out of Russia] that many of them fell for.”

READ/DW BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics

PA 23/15

“[Some Baby-Boomer progressives & liberals] were fooled into believing lies—some as made up & nonsensical as what you see from *National Enquirer* & *Star* in the checkout line.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/16

“Many of [these lies that some progressives & liberals, along with all MAGAts, fell for] were originating from Russia & placed into the social media by the most savvy & surreptitious propaganda campaign ever.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology

PA 23/17

“For at this time in history, the misinformation campaign was assisted by the full backing of half a century & more behavioral science, refined to perfection through application in commercial advertising.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology

PA 23/18

“Also, plenty of help with propaganda emanated from private corporate & national security research into population management.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations #60s #collusion

PA 23/19

“Thus, the big lie...as well as thousands of little lies which go undetected & so combine to form outright near hallucinatory fantasies in the population...slid in below the population’s normal bullshit detectors.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #psychology

PA 23/20

“The blatant untruths, woven togeth­er to create a paranoid narrative urging a reactionary response, was embedded into America’s reality, with most citizens completely unawares.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/21

“One way this was done: The sinister opposition cloaked spurious or nonsensical accusations in wording that progressives & liberals were accustomed to hearing from their side alone.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/22

“By appealing to progressive sympathies, the vast right-wing conspiracy was able to turn the champion for children’s rights, Hillary Clinton, into a child abuser, & even some sort of pedophiliac or slave trader.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #psychology

PA 23/23

“In another instance, such a tactic would cause outrage at the “rights” of someone to collect water on their own property being taken away, because it would be taken out of the context of the larger regional water & environmental problems.”

->… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 23/24

“This sinister ruse of the Right could have racists & gun-toters looking like progressive protesters, with stand-offs with the police, & such.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/25

“Again, this was accomplished by ignoring the larger context—as for example that the land those protesters were standing firm on actually belonged to the local Native American tribes.”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/26

“This is how the Left was cleverly convinced to take sides against their own issues & values, all unknowingly.

“This fake news, masquerading as a progressive look behind the scenes,..”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/27

“[This fake news fr Russia & Right] allowed wolf-like deceptions & agendas, surreptitiously advanc­ing right-wing issues & values,advancing among liberals due to thr clever sheep-like packaging as legit progressive muckraking & whistle-blowing.”


PA 23/28

“The feelings of anger & outrage of progressives & liberals were orchestrated this way by the most clever use of devious means to manipulate minds & actions ever to come out of the Right.”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/29

“Prodded into such a fever by fake news from Russia & the American Right, with its filthy rich supporters, these liberals & progressives also failed to vote.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/30

“*1992—“Mad as Hell”

“Nonetheless, this unfortunate pattern of “shooting oneself in the foot” out of rage arose, initially, decades ago.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/31

“Beginning with the 1992 & 1994 national elections in America, Baby-Boomers exhibited their perinatal influences in contributing to the totally unexpected phenomenon of the “angry electorate.””

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/32

“At the time, pundits & media analysts were at a total loss to explain the fury of the voting public that was affecting the polling results. In 1992, talking heads were dumbstruck by the showing of three men in particular—”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics

PA 23/33

“—Jerry Brown, Pat Buchanan, & Ross Perot—who seemed to have one thing in common: the angry tones & rebelliousness that character­ized their speeches, as compared to others.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/34

“The demeanor of these candidates was at such odds with the other candidates that when Bill Clinton one night responded angrily to a comment by Jerry Brown about Hillary, Clinton’s wife, it was that part of the debate—”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR

PA 23/35

“—of Clinton being angry, all issues aside—that made the news that night!"

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PA 23/36

“Though the rage of the electorate in 1992 caused the Brown, Perot, & Buchanan phenomena, it was split among them, so Clinton ended up winning.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/37

“This of course was also okay with the Baby-Boomers in that (1) Clinton & Gore were Baby-Boomers like themselves & (2) in the race against H. W. Bush, Clinton was the challenger, & thus the rebel; & Bush was the “bum to be thrown out.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 23/38

“However, this rage did not go away after the election, which highlights its having perinatal origins.”

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PA 23/39

“In fact, after the shortest “honey­moon period” in history, by some accounts, it became directed at the most likely target/center—the president, Bill Clinton, himself.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie

PA 23/40

“We all know how despite the successes & progress of Clinton’s first year, he was esp singled out for ridicule & denigration by the media. He could not seem to do anything right,& the most incredibly outrageous behaviors were attributed to him.”


PA 23/41

“*1994—“Throw the Bums Out...Again.”*

“This rage spilled over into the next year and, sure enough, during the midterm election—the issues be damned—the angry electorate was in a mood to “throw the bums out” again.”

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR

PA 23/42

“It did not matter the party…. I do not claim that all those of my generation are always as politically astute as they are angry.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie

PA 23/43

“The Republicans called it a “revolution.” It was simply the acting out of an electorate in the throes of perinatal feelings—ie, feelings of frustration, being “tied up” by red tape, an inability to go forward...that is, up the economic ladder.”


PA 23/44

“Come to think of it, those times were a nearly exact reflection of the mood of Americans in the election of 2016...where the result was even more disastrous & counter-productive.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #MAGAts

PA 23/45

“Similarly, in 1992, wages had been stagnating since the early Eighties, precipitated by Reagan’s inexpert management of the country’s finances. & people as well felt they were being overcontrolled & pushed around by regulations.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #FBR

PA 23/46

“Big government was experienced by them as the big mother womb keeping the fetus locked in & unable to move. So, out of all this came the anger & rage.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/47

“*1996 & 1998—“To Hell with You!”*

“In any case, succeeding elections bear out this analysis of an angry, a pre- & perinatally-pushed electorate.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/48

“In 1996, despite the much ballyhooed “Republican Revolution,” sure enough, the electorate was spoiling to “throw the bums out” again—only this time it was the Republican Congress. So there were Democratic gains at the time.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics

PA 23/49

“And in 1998, when everything pointed to a huge Republican landslide because of the Clinton-Lewinsky sex scandal,..”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations

PA 23/50

“[in 1998] the electorate again showed their rebellion & anger toward both the pundits & the Republicans who had been lambasting them with details of the scandal for nearly a year by giving the Democrats gains again!”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics

PA 23/51

“*2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, & 2014—Panicky Electorate*

“In 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, & 2014, it was an angry electorate reeling against oppression; & in the case of 2010, 2012, & 2014, doing it mindlessly, against their own interests.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #

PA 23/52

“If there were not pre- & perinatal charge to all this, Americans would not be so irrational about their choices.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/53

“*2016—Shooting Oneself in the Foot*

“This was particularly true of the American presidential election of 2016.”

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PA 23/54

“It is difficult to read from an election that was skewed so much by the actions of people at the top—by Gen Xer FBI Director, Comey, for example—& from another nation, Russia.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/55

“We will never know the actual election results that would have occurred in an unmanipulated, unrigged election. For Director Comey leaked a letter to Congress, days b4 the election, containing a substance-less message about Hillary Clinton,..”


PA 23/56

“…[a substance-less message about Hillary Clinton] which Comey knew would have some folks—critical voters—concluding something “fishy” must be going on, that where there is smoke, there must be fire”

READ/DW BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/57

“In simply bringing up the subject, it had people wondering about the timing of it, in a way that harmed Hillary’s candidacy, mere days before the election.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/58

“There is little doubt Clinton would have won if not for Comey’s action. There is also little doubt that Coumey’s action was intentional & put in motion to achieve the very effect that it did.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/59

“As for Russia, Putin & his minions not only hacked Democrat computers & selectively leaked documents harmful to Hillary Clinton,..”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations

PA 23/60

“[Russia also] engaged in a massive misinformation campaign on the internet of fake news, aided by thr willing or unwitting allies in right-wing America.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/61

“For all we know [Russia] may have hacked electronic voting machines to perfectly & barely create the electoral win that would have, without such precise tweaking, given the more popular Hillary the electoral as well as popular-vote victory.”


PA 23/62

“Furthermore, from the evidence coming out, it is clear that the Trump campaign & Russia had ongoing contact during the election. & let us not be so naïve as to pretend to not know what that was about.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology #BLM

PA 23/63

“Finally, Trump has both financial involvement & a dossier of his embarrassing behavior, held by the Kremlin, both of which would have motivated him to betray the U.S. to Russia.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/64

“So we will never know what the presidential election of 2016 was going to reveal about the American consciousness. Using politics as a barometer of the consciousness of a nation, the results were tainted...so not usable.”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR

PA 23/65

“The election of 2016, more than any other, should have been an example of the Boomers, with their Millennial Generation allies, continu­ing the progress made in the previous decade.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #resist #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/66

“Having achieved the first presidency by an African-American, in 2008, it is likely, without active & massive manipulation of minds & machines, 2016 would have resulted in the first election of a woman president,..”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology

PA 23/67

“…[without active & massive manipulation of minds & machines, 2016 would have resulted in the first election of a woman president,] & most definitely a liberal, a progressive woman, Hillary.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/68

“Still, the Russians & the Trump campaign had help in that there was a good 40 or so percent of the population that supported a Trump presidency.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/69

“Fed misinformation, fake news, “alternative facts,” & faux news programs like Fox, [such folks who ended up supporting Trump] were outraged.”

READ &/or DW entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/70

“The social & political situation created the clearest e.g. yet of a prenate, against all reason, railing against its no-exit situation, & willing to bring down everything in a BPM III inferno, if need be, to see some change, any change at all.”


PA 23/71

“So, 2016 was characterized by self-sabotage; it abounded with actions that amounted to “shooting oneself in the foot.””

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PA 23/72

“*Perinatal Rage*

“People have had good reasons to feel oppressed since the Eighties when Reagan began the giveaways to the rich & the budget cutbacks, continuing to this day, that have caused the masses to feel constricted & oppressed.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho…

PA 23/73

“Yet, if this did not result in their being perinatally overloaded so that they cannot reason, they would not have been able to be led to fight their own interests as they were in 2010, 2012, 2014, & 2016…”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology

PA 23/74

“…& in an ongoing way as exemplified by the Tea Party & the success of right-wing agendas & Fox “News.””

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PA 23/75

“*Reacting, too angry & confused to think.*

“Another aspect of this irrationality on both sides of the political spectrum has to do with this idea that there is no difference between the two major parties.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology

PA 23/76

“Feeling oppressed perinatally is characterized by a pressure from all sides simultaneously.”

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PA 23/77

“There is an inability to distinguish or discriminate between forces that are helpful & those that are dire, as any & all developments seem threatening in situations of crisis.”

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PA 23/78

“In a context of overwhelm, further, there is an inability to think clearly. One just fights back, explodes, reacts. It is no coincidence that Righties are called reactionaries.”


“*Biting the feeding hand.*”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology

PA 23/79

“The upshot is an inability, under the pressure of perinatal feelings, pro­voked endlessly by actual oppression economically, environmentally, socially, & culturally, to rail against any authority, to bite the hand that feeds one.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #FBR

PA 23/80

“This is exactly like the panicked swimmer who in danger of drowning fights off his or her rescuer.”

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PA 23/81

“Can anyone at this point still maintain that the politics of the last few decades had anything at all to do with ideology or issues?”


“*Millennials & Their Opposites*


READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology

PA 23/82

“One might also note the rise of “hate groups” occurring at the same time as the phenomenon of the angry electorate over the last several decades & reaching a peak in 2016, invigorated by Trump’s rhetoric of intolerance, bigotry, & misogyny.”


PA 23/83

“Hate groups fill their ranks from folks on the extreme Right & their actions are exemplified in the Oklahoma bombing tragedy & more recently in the Tea Party.”

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PA 23/84

“*Perinatally Clueless—Right-Wing “Hate Groups,” the Tea Party, & the Fifties Generation*”


READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations #collusion

PA 23/85

“But notice again then that these hate groups are always on the extreme conservative end of the political spectrum & thus exemplify a World-War-Two mindset in relation to their perinatal unconscious:”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/86

“Specifically, the mindset is one of being completely cut off from one’s below-the-surface dynamics & being in total denial of unconscious motivations.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/87

“In this state, one can have the complete certitude—lacking any access to the unconscious which would give rise to doubts—that makes violent actions possible.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/88

“However the reason for bringing up the hate groups is to show how much their actions as well are dominated by perinatal dynamics, which in their case are totally unconscious to them.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #MAGAts

PA 23/89

“For without exception their reasons for rising up against the government—representing the overwhelming womb—has to do with frustrations, like the trapped fetus feels, in regards to “oppressive” taxes, governmental red tape,..”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 23/90

“…laws, & other regulations that they feel restrict their freedom...to move freely, as one wanted to but couldn’t, in the womb.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations #collusion

PA 23/91

“Tea Party & hate-group ranks are filled with Fifties Generation folks. These members of the Eisenhower Generation—after the WWII Gen & before Boomers—were born just before or during WWII.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/92

“[Fifties Generation folks] are mired in prenatal fears coming from the fact that they were inside their mothers when their parents were living through such distressing times as WWII & the Great Depression.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology

PA 23/93

“Fifties Gen folks were “marinated” in the womb with fear & insecurity. They also were not brought up with the societal advance in parenting the next generation of Boomers, & those afterward, would be granted.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology

PA 23/94

“So it is understandable [Fifties Gen folks] would be both cut off from perinatal access yet full of perinatal pushes & pulls to act out in confused & self-destructive ways.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/95

“*Perinatal Access of Millennials*

“Now, on the other end of this perinatal spectrum we have the most recent generational cohort 2b making a mark. The Millennial,or Baby-Boomer Echo generation, show the same inner access as thr Boomer parents.”


PA 23/96

“*Being Boomer kids, wouldn’t you kind of expect that?*

“[The Millennial Generation] demonstrate as well their parents’ consequent refusal to act it out on a larger scale:”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/97

“It has been said that the greatest concerns of those in this [Millennial] generation, now in their twenties & thirties, are the environment & racism-bigotry.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/98

“*Activist, Progressive*

“Millennials show the progressive bent of their parents, also, in their having a lot to do with giving America its first African-American president.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/99

“& to the environment & minority rights, we need to add classism, eco­nomic fairness, & human rights bc of thr phenomenal outpouring of support in 2011 for Occupy Wall Street & for union rights in Wisconsin & other states at around that time.”


PA 23/100

“The Millennial Generation is showing global strength in opposing fascism, economic injustice, political oppression, & human rights abuses in Occupy & Arab Spring movements.”

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #psychology #BLM

PA 23/101

“[Millennials] have filled massive demonstrations against the draconian economic policies of Republicans in Wisconsin.”

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PA 23/102

“[Millennials], more recently, showed their strength in the surprising popularity of Bernie Sanders, the first Democratic Socialist to run for president in the United States.”

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/103

“& [Millennials], around the world, are showing their strength & their progressive acumen in resistance to the agendas of Trump & the other fascist outcroppings in the world.”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/104

“This [Millennial resistance] was exemplified the day after the Trump installation with the really quite massive Women’s March on Washington that was supported by similar massive outpourings of demonstrators in cities throughout the world—”

>… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 23/105

“—673 nations in fact,on all 7 continents, incl Antarctica! Altogether it is estimated 5 millions of women & men supporting women’s rights, as well as resisting the creeping global fascism arising,as seen in the Trump ascendancy, participated.”


PA 23/106

“All were calling for action against the reactionary policies of Trump & other right-wingers, & their crowds were filled with Millennials & their Boomer parents, predominantly.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/107

“*Climate change & the environment.*

“We know how pollution & action against pollution indicates a closeness to one’s perinatal. To put it another way, it is clear that…”

READ/DW BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/108

“…only a total denial & disconnect between one’s consciousness & one’s unconscious perinatal dynamics would allow one to act it out unconsciously in the creation of pollution & in the denial of it as a problem or a mindless neglect of it.”

>… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho…

PA 23/109

“So the fact that these Baby-Boomer children, the Millennials, are so cognizant, concerned, & active in relation to global pollution & climate change shows their lack of denial of this perinatal act-out.”

THREAD wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/110

“*Multicultural, resisting racism & oppression.*

“And what of actions against racism & bigotry? How are they an indica­tion of a closeness to the perinatal. There are several ways in which this is so.”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology #BLM

PA 23/111

“As mentioned, a closeness to the perinatal allows one to doubt one’s given defenses & to glimpse alternate perspectives—in particular to look at things from the eyes of The Other.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/112

“In this way, those of the Baby-Boomer Echo generation [Millennials] are able to see oppression, injustice, & unfairness as it is played out in the lives of minorities who don’t share their (predominantly) middle-class advantages.”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 23/113

“[Millennials] simply don’t “get” racism, sexism, or bigotry of any kind; it is incomprehensible to them. They strongly oppose imperialism, colonial­ism, or oppression.”

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/114

“Relatedly, [Millennials] support animal rights & oppose animal abuse & cruelty. They do not understand torture & violence against fellow planetmates.”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #resist

PA 23/115

“Naturally, [Millennials] were helped in that [progressive] awareness by the gains of previous decades, beginning in the Sixties,..”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations #60s

PA 23/116

“…[beginning in the Sixties,] which had [Millennials] growing up with diversity of racial & ethnic heritages—seeing things multiculturally, not narrowly—in their schools & in the omnipresent media.”

READ/DW BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/117

“[Millennials] grew up with the environmental awareness that was set in motion in the Sixties; they do not know of a world before recycling & energy conservation.”

READ BOOK> sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie

PA 23/118

“Activism, demonstrations, & political action have been a part of [Millennials’] lives since they were born, unlike the several generations that preceded them, incl thr Boomer parents who suffered thr childhoods in a politically castrated 50s.”


PA 23/119

“*Misogyny, #metoo, & Black lives mattering...oppression in general.*”

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations #60s #collusion #resistance #birth

PA 23/120

“Also beginning in January of 2016, with results showing soon after—in the 2017 elections & in the #metoo movement—Millennials, with their Boomer parents, have been flexing their muscles on the issue of misogyny, sexual abuse,& women’s rights.”


PA 23/121

“Why would this indicate closeness to one’s prenatal & perinatal dynamics, you ask? Well, as I explained earlier in the book, misogyny arises out of misplaced blame on mothers for the traumas we experience during our womb & perinatal days.”

>… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 23/122

“& again, having access to the feelings that arise from that primal pain allows one to doubt the legitimacy of one’s hatred of the feminine that we see acted out in all areas of the patriarchy—”

READ/DWL BOOK drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/123

“…[one’s hatred of the feminine that we see acted out in all areas of the patriarchy—]from our separation from Mother Nature & the environment to misogyny & homophobia.”

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/124

“However, there is another, stronger element to this as well as the other injustices to which Millennials are empathetic. This is the factor of oppression & unfairness itself.”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #MAGAts #BigLie

PA 23/125

“We experience compression (oppres­sion), & frustration at our attempts to go forward, & what feels like hopeless unfairness & injustice, when in the throes of BPM II birth trauma.”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/126

“To see these facets of the fates of minorities, as in racism, or gender or sexual bias, points to this Millennial Generation’s closeness to their own perinatal oppression; hence their ability to empathize with oppressed minorities.”

THREAD… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 23/127

“Again, we have current evidence of this quality of theirs in [Millennials'] participation in uprisings such as Ferguson, Missouri, & in general with their support for the “Black Lives Matter” movement.”

THREAD… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/128

“This ability to realistically sense & respond to oppression is also the reason they wud throw themselves in heartily in defense of unions, an increasingly oppressed middle class, & public-sector employees. Which they did in Wisconsin in 2011.”


PA 23/129

This has been the entire Chapter 23, titled,

“Prenatal Politics, Generationally Speaking”

of *Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/130

Chapter 23 is subtitled...

“Panicky Electorate, Biting the Feeding Hand,

“Perinatally Oblivious Right-Wing “Hate Groups,” the Tea Party, & the Fifties Generation...

“Perinatal Access of Millennials”

READ BOOK> wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/131

*Psychology of Apocalypse:

*Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

by Michael Adzema

is a comprehensive look at into the deepest psychological reaches of humans.

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/132

*Psychology of Apocalypse* seeks to explain how, with humans on the cusp of the end of all life on this planet, including their own, humans could look away.

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history

PA 23/133

In doing so—i.e., seeking to understand why humans would be apathetic in the face of their own deaths, & all other Earth life— *Psychology of Apocalypse* presents a major new theory in psychology, the *Prenatal Matrix of Evil* or the PMEs.

->… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ

PA 23/134

The *Prenatal Matrix of Human Evil* theory traces our drive to annihilation to the unique human experiences prior to birth, occurring in the third trimester, which arise of the fact that in our evolution humans became bipedal.

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 23/135

Bipedalism affected human psychology in that the new pelvic structure changed how babies would experience birth & gestation.

READ &/or dwnl entire BOOK free AT SITE... sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/136

The resulting birth trauma & fetal malnutrition, unique in Nature, accounts for our drive to kill ourselves—*humanicide*.

READ &/or DW entire BOOK free AT SITE... wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/137

The complete book is available online at the links

you can read the book, which is posted on the blog, or you can follow the directions there & download a free copy of *Psychology of Apocalypse*.

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM

PA 23/138

This is the completed document for *Psychology of Apocalypse*

It is a pdf file& looks exactly as the book looks.


To read and/or download a copy, click link above:

#politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups

PA 23/139

Feel free to download the book, pass it around, use it to help get word out to save the planet to whoever or to whatever outlet you know.

Unless major actions by the world's governments happens fast, it is all over for life on planet Earth.

-> drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG…

PA 23/140

Unless major actions by the world's governments happens fast, it is all over for life on planet Earth.

You can use your copy of *Psychology of Apocalypse* to get word out to whoever or to whatever outlet you know.

THREAD sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology

PA 23/141

& please send any comments/reviews of the book to me at


The idea being I might be able to use your comments in describing it in my own sharing on social media.

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials

PA 23/142

Finally, if what you prefer are paperback or ebook/Kindle versions, you may acquire them at the links below.




#politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations #60s #collusion #Russia

PA 23/143

Up next,

in *Psychology of Apocalypse:

"Ecopsychology, Activism, & the Prenatal Roots of Humanicide*

is Chapter 24

“A Hierarchy of Healing:”

THREAD… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts #BigLie #HateGroups #generations

PA 23/145

Chapter 24 is subtitled,

“Different Levels, Different Defenses;

Flaunting One’s Sickness Beats Hiding It;

Progress Is Necessarily “Messy,” yet Suffering Beats Dying”

READ BOOK… wp.me/p1n96g-3FZ #politics #FBR #psychology #BLM #history #Millennials #MAGAts

PA 23/146

“[Ch 24 *Quotes/highlights:*] ““…we have suffered less lethal damage from culture and class wars, increased incarceration, creeping fascism, and struggles for economic justice. Overall then, less death, more suffering.” []

READ/DWL BOOK… drive.google.com/file/d/1gewWZG… #FBR

PA 23/147

[] “Overall then, less death, more suffering. Less killing in wars, more suicides. Less large-scale atrocities, more depression. On a collective level, we are taking our conflicts increasingly inward.” []

READ BOOK… sillymickel.blogspot.com/2022/02/psycho… #politics #FBR #psychology

PA 23/148

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