they agree they have to end promptly at 5 so folks can get to the comp plan meeting tonight
facilitator prompts nikuyah for comment: she has none.
kathy: “community matters is not a town hall.”
facilitator: “we’re gonna talk about other” opportunities for community engagement.
when? they said that in january, too.
apparently council aims to end at 11pm due to public transit ending then... this has happened maybe once in recent memory?
“we have time limits on the agenda we’re just blowing past.”
mike: those agenda items will just pile up
wes agrees with kathy (so do i)
(my understanding is that the times on the agenda are limits for COUNCIL’S discussion/staff presentation, not total time including public comment)
kathy firmly states she would like to keep that rule. good luck enforcing it. cracking down has historically NOT resulted in better meetings.
mike says maybe they don’t... (we do.)
THANK YOU MAYOR WALKER. using the police to maintain order in council chambers will not result in more order.
mike & kathy hate it, obviously.
the facilitator suggests they “experiment” with it.
mike says it’s very challenging for him to be at meetings past midnight because he gets up at 5:30. buddy, it’s hard on all of us & it ain’t even our job.
wes laughs, turns around and points at me, acknowledging that it’s something i’ve been in favor of.
wes points out again that councilors themselves have had some harsh words for staff.
wes: how people qualify “personal attacks” is relative. residents should be able to bring grievances about experiences with city staff to council.
nikuyah pushes back on this sob story: these are people who have had access to these meetings their entire lives
“i hesitate to encourage making another rule that is difficult to enforce” — without consensus from council, it just won’t work. “everybody has to buy into it.”
she recommends individual councilors call out comments they find inappropriate as needed.

jones: and we do have the technology now to broadcast these live, just like council meetings.
now moving on to discuss possibility of town halls.
mike, now long has it been? i imagine it’s not pothole-focused now. come talk to us.
but i missed some of it while reading the decision judge moon issued this morning about how cops don’t actually have to stop violent crimes in progress
heather is VERY concerned about having too many emails.
heather is the only one very opposed to the idea.

what he’s trying to say without saying it is “why do we have to give money to marginalized people instead of my friends?”
guys, this is a real thrill ride.…