Mabuigingu Torres Strait angu. I am @lisa_j_whop a descendent of the Wagedagam tribe of the Gumulgal people of Mabuiag Island in the Torres Strait. Born & raised in North QLD. #IHMayDay18

collaborators: #IHMayDay18 @CancerAustralia @CancerCouncilOz @ahmrc @CCNSWResearch @LowitjaInstitut @HealthInfoNet @healthgovau @CCQld @AIHW @nhmrc @WWeno7 @KenWyattMP @qldhealthnews @QAIHC_QLD @AMSANTaus et al

people will still be alive five years after diagnosis. A simple screening test
could save your life:

all stages of the patient’s cancer pathway, pre-diagnosis to survivorship #IHMayDay18
changes to your body & with the right treatment you can avoid this awful
disease. If you already have cancer, screening can find it early = more
treatment options & much greater chance at seeing ur future #IHMayDay18