#HungerGamesLiveTweet starts now
I get the feeling I'm woefully unprepared for this. At least with Harry Potter I knew it had to do with magic and stuff.
Whereas I just found out Hunger Games isn't about food this morning.
Anyways, LET'S GO.

That scream by the little girl woke my fucking cat up and she bolted out of the room while knocking over my water.
I've always thought that JLaw looked like a real life Tweety bird (Looney Toons), so imma call her Tweety.
I'm so hungry I could eat that doe very easily
Haven't eaten yet today for the spirit of the games
And I don't have any food
But the former sounds better
Hawt damn
Oh fuck she just said the "odds" thing you guys have been telling me.
I know for a god damn FACT one of the movies is "something something MOCKINGJAY" and she just got a mockingjay
Why the fuck is she calling that girl a little duck? Of all the lovely pet names, I would not choose a duck.
They quack non stop, shit everywhere, and are generally annoying.
Unless that little girl does, too.
Bitch WHAT
They're doing a gladiator thing to stop war?
This is basically like a weird Purge thing
Pita? As in the bread?
Man they don't do the whole "normal names" thing do they?
Bread boy looks fucking devastated.
I would be too. He might as well be wearing a red shirt on Star Trek.
Eyebrows is definitely going to drop the line "you shouldn't die a virgin"
Wait for it
Marilyn Manson could have very well been on screen by now and I wouldn't fucking be able to tell either everyone else's weird ass aesthetic.
Blonde boy looks like a fucking psychopath.
He's just a blonde boy doing what blonde boys do.
So what happens if blonde boy ices someone during practice? Does he get booted?
The real Hunger Games here is me looking at that fucking food and hearing my stomach have very positive thoughts about it.
God at their age I wasn't training for certain death
I was skipping school and doing dumb teen shit.
"A little hope is good, a lot of hope is dangerous. Crush it."
Ayyy lmao its like listening to my anxiety.
I'd show all these fuckers what's what
I'd just straight up have a fucking heart attack in front of an audience that size and die right there.
MAY THE ODDS BE EVER IN YOUR oh shit he dead
Yo get her sister's name out of your FUCKING MOUTH you slimy ball of hair gel.
Bread boy is the unsung hero of this world
"If I'm gonna die, I just want to go out flipping a double bird at these dumb fuckers who put this shindig together"
Man after my heart.
Oh shit is it go time already?
The entire second half of this movie is the fucking bloodbath?
Dude. This is going to be very tense.
God wouldn't it fucking suck to be the guy who died from choking on lunch in this ordeal.
Only you can prevent forest fires
This message brought to you by the guy throwing fucking FIREBALLS AT TWEETY
Its burn salve.
I mean that's great, but maybe an anti-sword salve would've been better.
She's hallucinating about miners?
I mean, I guess I hallucinated that only Paul Mccartney could understand me that one time....
I love this little girl and I'm now rooting for her. Rest of these people can go get stung.
Thank you @TwitterSupport for locking my account for a few minutes. Let's resume, shall we?
God damn District 11 looks like Philadelphia after an Eagles loss.
Or win.
Basically just Philly.
They're hosting a feast in the middle?
How obvious can you be that you're just whoring for ratings.
I mean if they start doing the nasty I'd be more convinced, but for now, it's obvious they're acting.
Aw man, blonde boy had Tragic Backstory™
But didn't Tweety and Bread boy just win?!
Heyyy happy ending. Bread boy and Tweety live and got to go home.
That's the end, right? No more? We cool?