IT'S ALL KICKING OFF! @andywigmore "What relevance does this have to the referendum"
@IanCLucas: "I'm merely asking you a question. (ABOUT HIS FINANCES)
Arron firing back with his oppo research: "Aren't you the MP who once got drunk at a karaoke bar?" WHAT?
Arron: "Yes, as a donation to UKIP"
Jo: "But not as spending?"
Arron: "No. It was before the short campaign."
Not true! Donation was paid during regulated period. And work was used during regulated period.
Arron: "Andy got mixed up"…
And then, the usual play: "Where's the evidence?" Translation: unless journalists can dig it up, we'll continue to deny...…
‘If I was hiding my involvement from the Russians, I did a pretty bad job.’ Yep