Before final negotiations at the G7, the President was asked during an interview about a sunset clause in the renegotiated deal with Canada. (14:20)
The deal can be renewed under extended or renegotiated terms before it expires.…
It’s true.
So what is different about THIS particular time?
Even if the Canadian media worked overtime to assist him, his posturing would have limited reach for the remaining 99% of the time.
Larry Kudlow asserted as much on CNN.
The CBC’s Ottawa bureau-chief, Rob Russo, spilled the beans about the President offering to waive the sunset provision, which had become a major obstacle to a renewed deal.
They shook hands, and Trudeau had PLENTY OF TIME to clarify the matter if he was unclear about something.
“This was the trigger for Trump’s tweets,” writes Lenihan.…
“Trump was livid. He found it duplicitous and humiliating.”
Lilley agrees that it’s a plausible theory.
But why… ?
I’ll go through one of the more compelling ones tonight, and then I’ll say my theory tomorrow when I come back to finish this thread.
Small thread on it here:
Many of my local friends who were once supporters have basically given up on Trudeau.
The shiny pony has lost its novelty.
Let’s take a look at what changed in the polls.
Liberals - 34%
Conservatives - 34%
NDP - 21%…
Liberals - 35%
Conservatives - 33%
NDP - 22%…
It could just be a temporary uptick because people are still talking about it.
Without an issue on which to run, they are basically sitting ducks.…
Or MAYBE, David, they could have just delivered on half of the laundry list they SAID they were going to implement?
The call where Trump made a joke about 1812.
Trudeau doesn’t specifically deny it, he basically dances around the question.
Kind of an elaborate way to say “no,” and it was the second time in a row that he had been asked about it. The above quotes were his clarification.
It gives WAY too much credit to Trudeau and his team.
This guy is alleged to be unable to control his own trust fund. (12:42)
Observe the silly parsing and head tilts.………
On top of being a buffoon off-the-cuff, Justin Trudeau is getting in trouble for selling access.
He is Canada’s Hillary Clinton.…

This lady:

For this, she was promoted to a better role. OBVIOUSLY.…
At 58 seconds in the video she mentions how “polite” Canada allegedly is. Trudeau also played this card during his grandstanding, it’s very passive aggressive.…
Different product (pork and beef, instead of dairy), but it makes her crocodile tears appear disingenuine.…
You can take a minute to pause and laugh at this. I’ll understand.…
Yes, Chrystia, tariffs are TOTALLY absurd.…
This man:

Butts is Trudeau’s senior advisor. He can basically be seen everywhere with him.
He’s Trudeau’s Huma Abedin.…
Even the lisp shines through.
I stole these photos from @ITS_LIISA_.
Here is Butts passing notes to Trudeau, via Freeland and a staffer:

EVEN AFTER Trump had allegedly waived the inclusion of a sunset provision, Trudeau stuck to the script and just defaulted to the same old same.…
Hillary's (Justin's) handlers (Butts and Freeland) tell her that whatever her opponent (Trump) says during the debate (trade negotiation), just stick to the script & repeat the same thing.
It wasn’t ALL negative between them during the talks. To me, this just seems like bad timing and incompetence on the part of Trudeau & team.

One major roadblock for NAFTA originally was Canadian dairy products.
Dairy tariffs are so high because they were meant to protect a liberal sacred cow in Québec.
Unlike POTUS, the Prime Minister is still required to adhere the demands of one particular constituency.…
They spend big bucks to receive big bucks through supply management subsidies called “Special Milk Classes.”…
Europe's basically doing the same for Wallonia’s pork and beef, in order to get them to agree to a Canadian-EU trade deal.…
It’s socialism for milkmen.…
If Trudeau was concerned about the farmers specifically, rather than their wrath, he might’ve put up more fuss over the ISDS provisions about which the President had spoken.……
Dairy pulling in $6.07B, while receiving $4.3B in subsidies SEEMS LIKE A LEGAL LIABILITY to me, but I'm no expert.
I wouldn't blame the President if he instructed dairy farmers to sue now.
Maybe THAT's the one way we can finally get rid of supply management.
Even the conservative politicians here can't, OR WON'T, turn off the money faucet.…
Socialism is sort of baked into their pseudo-national identity.
As a result, they are the biggest recipients of federal transfer funding (socialism for entire provinces).…
I think Justin Trudeau got in trouble for sticking to the same protectionist script, because he has been reigned-in too often by his handlers.
It's convenient to assume it’s some plot, but we can’t even get trade deals with THE EUROPEANS right.
Do they honestly believe pearl-clutching will work on the President?
To make up for his shortfalls, he makes himself into a distraction.
Indian media outlets published articles suggesting this was over the top.

Seems to be from 2010, back when he still participated in Movember virtue-signalling.

I can actually feel the cringes he is receiving from the suits standing behind him.

I actually prefer this photo without the context, but at least it's good to know he was appropriately dressed for this event.

I'll have to check it out to see how bad the acting is, at some point.

(or any other world events, for that matter)
Trump doesn't need to be a master of disguise.

Like him or hate him, his putting America first makes other people want to put THEIR countries first.
Its a beautiful thing.
"According to the Angus Reid survey, Trudeau’s approval rating went from 40% to 52%, while his disapproval went from 56% to 41%."…
If only he could harness some of that yoga fire to get a trade agreement signed.
Solid work from @SpencerFernando on this.