Day 638 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 428 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

There's been 1 mass shooting in the 3 days of December, bringing this year's total to 325.
There were 23 mass shootings in the 30 completed days of November.
January: 22
February: 14
March: 17
April: 25
May: 28
June: 51
July: 46
August: 34
September: 34
October: 30
November: 23
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now more than 14,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"…
Supreme Court declines to hear request to overturn law that allows Trump to ignore environmental laws when building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border.…
North Korea has sought security guarantees from the US and relief from international sanctions.…
ABC News confirms BuzzFeed report: A pair of Trump associates discussed offering the penthouse apartment in Trump Tower Moscow to Vladimir Putin, a source familiar with the prospective deal told ABC News.
By @przeidenberg, former deputy special counsel in the Scooter Libby prosecution: Robert Mueller is building a conspiracy case that's likely to ensnare Trump and his family… via @usatoday
The CIA has evidence that the Saudi crown prince communicated repeatedly with a key aide around the time that a team believed to have been under the aide's command assassinated Jamal Khashoggi.
CIA Director Gina Haspel will brief lawmakers tomorrow on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi after being criticized for her absence at a briefing on the killing last week.…
The phrase 'leap forward' isn't a phrase that will sit well with the Chinese. The 'Great leap forward' killed tens of millions by famine in the late 50's early 60's.
An intentional dig for not getting the agriculture buy-in from the Chinese?
Larry Kudlow admitted on press call, "We don't yet have a specific agreement on that" -- never take a Trump tweet at face value
Trump has abandoned all talk of Mexico paying for the wall
So after promising to raise defense spending, and celebrating it after the fact, Trump now calls the $716B defense spending package he signed “crazy.”
Ahem. Did Trump mean "scot-free"?
Dictionary trolls Trump. Again.
Highest elected official in the country appears to be trying to interfere in the sentencing of former lawyer who has implicated the president in guilty pleas.
This doesn’t seem 'very cool' or 'very legal'.
Just some light witness tampering during "executive time"
Trump today called for Cohen, who’s cooperating w/investigators, to serve a “full & complete” sentence, while praising Roger Stone for having the “guts” not to testify against him.
It’s a federal crime to influence or intimidate witnesses.…
Kellyanne Conway's husband cites the obstruction of justice and witness tampering statutes in response to Trump's tweet >>>
18 U.S. Code § 1512. Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.
Criminal statutes to learn:
18 USC 1512 -witness tampering
15 USC 78dd-1 -FCPA
18 USC 1503 -obstruction of justice
18 USC 1505 -obstruction of Congressional proceedings
18 USC 371 -conspiracy to obstruct
18 USC 1622 -suborning perjury
18 USC 1001 -false statements
Additional statutes you may hear:
26 USC 7201 - tax evasion
52 USC 31201 - prohibition on campaign contributions by foreign nationals
52 USC 30116 - limitations on campaign contributions
22 USC 614 - Foreign Agent Registration Act
18 USC 1956 - Money Laundering
Mueller's prosecutors are telling defense lawyers they are "tying up loose ends" in the Russia probe as they prepare to file 3 crucial memos this week on their most high profile defendants: Flynn, Manafort and Cohen.…
The Manafort memo on Friday "will be public," Mueller's office says, indicating prosecutors will detail for all to read what prosecutors believe the ex-Trump campaign chair lied about. Should be interesting reading.…
"One of the least-noticed elements of the special counsel's approach is that he has been making his case bit by bit, in public, since his very first court filing ... "Mueller has already written more than 290 pages of the 'Mueller Report.'"…
House Intel member Mike Quigley says he believes that Roger Stone lied to Congress.
"I saw his interview earlier and I’ve seen the number of those. I was one of those who questioned Mr. Stone before Congress."…
Mike Quigley on Don Jr: "He had some failures of memory. I wouldn't be surprised if he lied to us. There was some circumstances about his communication with his father about the meeting at Trump Tower. That's what comes to mind first and foremost."…
Grassley says he won’t seek to bring Don Jr. back in for another Senate Judiciary interview, denying request from Dem Richard Blumenthal.
Grassley says “nothing inconsistent” about Jr.’s previous statement that “he was aware, peripherally, of the deal.”
The D.C. and Maryland attorneys general say they're moving forward with subpoenas for records in their case accusing Trump of profiting off the presidency.
Subpoenas are expected to be sent out within hours, according to the AP.…
Sarah Flores, a longtime Sessions defender, is no longer the Department's top spokesperson. She's now in DAG Rod Rosenstein's office.
New top spox is Kerri Kupec, who helped with Kavanaugh's confirmation.…
"Repubs remain committed to protecting the administration from oversight, and using their official powers to feed Trump supporters misinformation and distraction, so they take notice of something other than his crimes."…
Mar-a-Lago club members reviewed confidential $10 billion VA contract before its release: report
This should be a major scandal. I miss those days!

CREW: We got Betsy Devos’ financial disclosure.
She’s revised it 12 times in 3 months.…
"That was disgusting," Rep. Adam Kinzinger said of Trump belittling Republicans who lost in the midterms, noting Obama and Bush accepted losses "with some grace.”
There hasn't been "any party leadership lookback and it does worry some of us."…
Missed this. During the NAFTA signing ceremony, Trump appears to sign in the wrong place on one of them.
This is the exact moment everyone realized, individually with their reactions, including Prime Minister Trudeau.
Trump left his top advisers scrambling to explain a trade deal he claimed he’d struck with China to reduce tariffs on U.S. cars exported to the country -- an agreement that doesn’t exist on paper and hasn’t been confirmed in Beijing.
Top executives of VW, Daimler and BMW to meet with Kudlow, Lighthizer, Ross and other officials tomorrow morning.
It’s tricky — they don’t want tariffs on German cars, but they can’t get entangled in trade negotiations.…
A @browardsheriff officer is being reprimanded and reassigned after he posed in a group photo with Mike Pence wearing a #QAnon conspiracy patch on his official uniform.
Trump and acting AG Matt Whitaker in Kansas City on Friday for a DOJ event for police officers, @BryanLowry3 reports.
Remember Republicans faux outrage over Loretta Lynch running into Bill Clinton on a tarmac?…
Democrat T.J. Cox increases his lead in CA-21. He's now up by 820 votes.
Dems' national lead in House votes up to 9.6 million (8.5%) w/ ~170k newly counted votes in New York City. Lead was 5.3% the day after the election.…
To a large degree, Trump reached the WH without a thorough vetting. His taxes, biz deals, and his mob ties received little scrutiny in 2016. His admin's scandals have been mostly ignored by Republicans.
Dems have an opportunity to remedy this.…
Poll: Majority of Americans believe House Dems should release Trump's tax returns

In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Michael Cohen has told friends he's mystified that he's taking the fall for actions he carried out on behalf of Trump, who remains unscathed.…
"They could very well never see their children again,” says one lawyer about deported parents trying to return to the U.S.