Doing it seriously means Server-Side Rendering & Code Splitting, which requires a server that can handle that. 2/
And everything requires SPA tech like React, Vue or Angular. 3/
Application hosting around SSR+CS and Application delivery platform are build in-house by every development team. 4/
Soo what can we do with this information?
Come up with game plans! 5/
So our best bet here is to wait for someone to do this properly. We do bare minimum needed 6/
Easier to do and also much harder for AWS (or any other of the big provider to follow). AWS is really good at delivering development components at scale, but JS fragmentation prevents them from supporting individual libraries 7/
What I needed to do was move up the stack. 8/
So then the question became, do I interface with existing CI or roll my own 9/
The Version Control System debate was over quickly. Hosted Git is quickly becoming a commodity. Nothing to add 10/12?
We need to drive adoption of a standard to be able to host apps, but we can grow while it is being adopted. AWS can only follow after a certain threshold is on. 11/12
We do that by driving the adoption of a open standard for these kind of apps supported by tooling.
We won’t invest more money in JS execution bit /fin