Family incarceration...and including those of "tender age" is not new. It's been going on.
Criminal defendants actually get more rights, even if they're not citizens, than people in removal proceedings.
They're not going to enforce any law that helps a non-citizen.
They're not going to turn over records without a fight.
They thrive on shock value.
There are no simple solutions. Fires can be put out, but there will be more fires.
A prevailing false narrative of immigrant invading hordes, unfortunately, prevents this from happening.
Once that's done, the country may pat itself on the back.
Meanwhile, the parent and kid still face deportation. And the rules are getting tougher, and it's harder to win.
These families and more may wind up deported to death.
And we don't want the anti-immigrant movement to have any part in crafting it, be sure they're only interested in building a lean, mean, deporting machine.
And what's legal isn't always what's right, or what the people want, or what the country needs.
But even the rest of the process is full of hurdles, and this administration is placing more and more in the way.
We have to stop criminalizing asylum.
There is a lot that can go wrong even with the best of intentions.