What the Trump admin did to immigration while everyone was busy with #StormyDaniels and the $hitshow that is this presidency:
👏 @AmericasVoice
ICE detention centers (and the for profit ones) are ill-equipped to treat medical issues pregnant women face.
Ice stating fear of flight. We tax payers pay for ankle monitors-Cheaper
This is the previous policy

also ended TPS for Salvadorans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Sudanese.
Effectively creating tens of thousands of new $150/day bodies for the private prison industry donors.
-Sanctuary cities
-Chicago ( whatever the fuck that means)
and bunch of facts-free slander to make the case for more $$ to expand deportation aparatus
Arrests deportation of people without a criminal record increased by almost 200%. Why?
Because these people are easy to find keeping regular jobs, stables homes, participating in their community. Lazy @ICEgov
They are especially targeting immigration activists. They target families they can tear apart on purpose to kiss the dear leader's ass.
With a lie detector failure rate of 60% ( not a typo), these two have been handed a lot of power that we should RECONSIDER.
just fluff the dear leader a bit, contribute $, talk about genes & BOOM: they are everywhere in our immigration system affecting POLICY
Wait a minute, the 4% is OUR crime rate, undocumented immigrants are close to 2%.