He's not an idiot. He knows all of the potential ramifications of bailing out at this juncture.
He knows the president is under investigation and could try to appoint judges that will overturn Nixon-era precedents protecting presidential investigations.
They spent the last three years setting the stage to persuade Kennedy — who is a Republican himself, remember — to hand over the court to them. And we never even noticed.
They built a friendship between Trump and Kennedy, through their children. Then they got Trump to put one of Kennedy's old clerks in Scalia's seat, which they stole in the first place so Trump could fill.
And it worked. Because deep down, Kennedy has partisan sentiments like everyone else, that let him ignore the glaring risks of letting Trump fill the courts.
I leave it to Senate Dems to find ways to block or slow the dismantling of the judiciary into a rubber stamp for GOP activism. Maybe they can, maybe not. They're the minority, but the Senate is a body built for obstruction. I don't pretend to know the best answer.
It's not Senate Democrats who got us in this mess. We could have gotten a Democratic Senate in 2016 and didn't. Whether we can wedge a few blue state Republicans is a long shot but we have to try.
Courts, in our system, are political bodies. You can capture them. We need to elect people who help us do that.
I think most people truly don't get how well-built the right wing law-school-to-bench pipeline is.
They have the Heritage Foundation, where their chosen legal scholars bang out far-right propaganda for judges to insert as needed into their opinions.
So here's my question: when are Dems going to start having stuff like that?
We need to start yesterday.
Your democracy is on the line. Use it. Turn up and vote out every person who supported this horrible party that destroyed the courts and your freedoms.
A Democratic Congress will break the fall.