
nikuyah and wes both remained seated during the pledge, which we see and appreciate ✊

funny way of showing gratitude 😂
says they will “slowly unroll” the street closures and information to help people decide “how they want to participate”
“we understand the tragedies that can occur when you commingle vehicular and pedestrian traffic.”
much of the same information we heard at last week’s community briefing.
please engage with us in the form of a thorough after action report about the failures of last august.
“officers down to the lowest level understand that they can take action,” including making arrests.
what does that mean?
i appreciate the confidence, but it is perhaps misplaced 🤷♀️
“we are planning for worst case scenarios.”
“civil disturbance is something communities need to be prepared for.”
there is some polite clapping from middle aged middle class white folks as the cops exit.
“i have come here tonight to bring democracy to charlottesville.”
“imagine my dismay when i found that charlottesville did not have a democratic government.”
her concerns are “threefold.” she has A LOT OF CONCERNS!
“do we want big money spent on local mayoral races?”
(somebody remind me what mike signer spent on his council run?)
light ‘em up, jim ✊
this man is the exact opposite of an explosion. he is speaking in an incredible monotone.
“i’m not sure why it’s taking so long”
“quite frankly neither am i,” he says.
he says the name market street park is “inoffensive & safe,” but misleading because there is no market.
oh my god let’s just not name the fucking park
“the world is watching. let’s show it what charlottesville can become.”
the gallery claps wholeheartedly, i hear mary carey say “i like her!” from the back row.
folks, i have learned a lot about alleys this year.
mr ponytail said “the competition for coalition is what drives the representative republic.”
if i wanted to hear this dude talk, i’d listen to his radio show. time’s up.
“people in crescent halls, on hardy drive... they need help, too!”
brief recess.
signer has now graced us with his presence, a little over two hours late.
asst city manager mike murphy missing from the dais now as we start back up.

she’s scolding us about fast food & obesity and cars and global warming.
mike pipes up and says he supports kathy’s motion to pull item H.
some confusion about what they are voting about, but they unanimously vote to waive the 2nd reading on J.
unanimous vote in favor.
they voted unanimously to pass the consent minus the 4 items they pulled.

moving on.
a local attorney at the mic now for the public hearing. she asks if she can show them a 15 slide presentation... they aren’t into it.

now on to the park renaming.
“if that’s the will of the people, so be it.”
kathy, please stop. just entirely stop.
she says the names can always be changed again later. let’s just change them every six months forever.
it’s possible to have a mayor with veto power or who has additional sway over the budget process.
city atty robertson: they’re unlikely to give broad permission, you have to work through exactly what you want & then ask
“maybe some of the concerns would be addressed” if the city manager was “treating the council-management relationship as a team”
nikuyah gave me a withering look for my snort of derision.
(she’s right)
paige says they’re set to start up again concurrent with the new school year.
wes: “i’m tired of task forces.”

they realize many events take place where there is not necessarily a permit, which effects their ability to set up security & “safety zones” ahead of time.
lisa: “that’s right.”
unanimous motion to waive it, heather motions they adopt the ordinance, mike seconds, no discussion, carries 4-1 with nikuyah dissenting.

heather motions to adopt, kathy seconds. passes unanimously.
(this person is typically the city mgr, but with jones’ departure this is complicated a bit)
and now on to an ordinance? i thought we were done! heather says “we’ve got a couple items under other business.”
i have no context for this years’-long legal battle. this town is complicated, y’all.
kathy seconds. carries 5-0.
amendment would allow council to cancel any regular meeting of city council. there is no public hearing requirement.
aha, this amendment is about folks’ VACATIONS. jesus christ.
apparently the missing august meeting is historical precendent, not ordinance.
heather motions to waive the second reading, carries 5-0. heather motions to adopt the ordinance, carries 5-0 without further discussion.
at least we have a sense of humor about this hell.
“i urge you to think a little bit more. think about what you’re doing when you say ‘VSP, you’re gonna take charge.’”
these decisions hurt counterprotesters, not nazis
“it’s about getting in the streets and saying to these knuckleheads, ‘go home.’”
brandon urges folks with more privilege to be in the streets, telling nazis they aren’t welcome here.