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Qalifornia @JPSanDiego
7 years ago, 11 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
My take on the Russian hacking narrative (thread):
1)If Russians had hacked Hillary’s emails, they certainly would not have given them to wikileaks to sway the election in favor of Trump. They would have saved it to blackmail Hillary with once she got into office.
2) Even if the Russians already had blackmail material on Trump, dirt on Hillary is much more powerful than taking a gamble on Trump. I would argue they already have dirt on her with Uranium one being a case in point.
3) Why would she approve the sale of 20% of the US uranium supply if she thought Russia was a nuclear or hostile threat. Either they had dirt on her or she doesn’t perceive Russia as a threat.
4) Russia thought she would win just like everyone else and why would Russia not want Hillary in office after the Obama admin was so soft and chummy (hot mic) with Putin?
5) Obama himself argued in the Romney debates that Russia was not a threat and that 1980 called and wanted its foreign policy back. He also laughed off Election tampering as an impossibility and a conspiracy theory.
6) Also, why would Obama call off the dogs on investigating reports of Russians meddling in our election? Seems to me that he wanted it to appear that this sort of thing never happened before and wanted to play dumb about.
7) That way the deep state could use it as an insurance policy to cover deep state asses in case she did lose. All evidence suggests that Russia, China, and every other country is always hacking other countries.
8) All evidence also suggests that the emails in question from an illegal private server were gathered internally using a flash drive by Seth Rich, a data analyst of the DNC who was pissed off at how the DNC screwed over his boy, Bernie.
9) Seth was later murdered and it was reported as a botched robbery when nothing was stolen. The deep state claimed it was Russians who hacked the emails, but it had to be Rich. The DNC refused to let the FBI investigate the server.
10) They hired their own pals at Crowdstrike, a third party to investigate and report that it was Russian hacking. Wrong! The speeds at which the data was downloaded exceeded the possible internet download rates at the time.
11) Only a flash drive used by an insider could have done that. The Russian conspiracies are all a cover-up for a failed plan to ensure Hillary won which included at least one murder. Call me a conspiracy nut all you like, but I challenge you to prove me wrong!
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